2011年10月31日 星期一

Don't Waste Money on Fitness Equipment

Find Out Everything You Need To Know About Fitness Equipment. Do You Need It? Or Are You Better Off Investing Into A Fitness Trainer?

Fitness equipment in your home will not produce the same fitness results that a qualified personal trainer can offer for around the same price as the expensive fitness equipment, if not cheaper. Since a piece of fitness equipment is nothing more than an object, it is unable to compete with the advantages that an actual fitness trainer can provide. This equipment will not assist you in the proper techniques for losing weight and getting into better shape. Additionally, fitness equipment will become useless once you achieve your desired level of health.

As a resident interested in improving their health, you need to establish a proper fitness plan. The expertise that a fitness trainer has with fitness equipment will provide you a much better knowledge.

Fitness Equipment Is A Temporary Solution To Better Health

The fitness equipment, regardless of what type of equipment it is, only has limited use. There is not one piece of fitness equipment that will assist you in completing all of your fitness goals.

As mentioned earlier, this equipment is also expensive and has a tendency to collect dust after you have reached your fitness goals (or when you have decided to give up on reaching your fitness goals, as many people who purchase fitness equipment do).
Equipment For Fitness Will Not Plan Your Entire Workout

Regardless of the price that you pay for your fitness equipment, it will not plan your entire workout. It will not tell you everything that you need to do to succeed at your individual fitness goals.

Only a proper personal trainer can guide you to successfully completing your fitness goals, even if they seem impossible to tackle.

Invest Smart By Rethinking Your Fitness Equipment

In reality, there is not much of a difference between the price of fitness equipment and the price of hiring a personal trainer. Both options are considered expensive, but you will gain so much more from a personal trainer than you ever will from a piece of equipment.

Your Mental Health

Fitness equipment will not help you in maintaining your mental health. Even though you are trying to achieve a higher level of physical health, you will only receive the best results when you are mentally prepared for the enduring workout sessions that you will face.

A fitness trainer can assist you in keeping your morale up while the fitness equipment will encourage you to give up on your fitness goals, if anything.

Improving Your Social Life

By investing in the services of a fitness trainer against purchasing fitness equipment at your local store, you can improve your social life. You often meet other people with similar fitness goals when you work out in a fitness center.

Personal trainers want you to succeed. It's important to them, as it is to you.

You will have someone to talk to (in your personal trainer) when you have questions regarding your fitness plan. A piece of fitness equipment is unable to carry on a conversation with you, leaving you with a lonely workout session.

So, In Conclusion..

Fitness equipment won't do you a lot of good unless it's used by you under the guidance of your personal trainer. Your fitness trainer, just like any human, will always be more valuable than a mechanical device.

As I'm sure you've seen numerous people line up at health clubs or gyms on the treadmills and other machines and avail to no results.


2011年10月30日 星期日

Discounts on Health & Fitness Equipments

Can't imagine your life for running hundreds of miles every day to stay fit, and hence needing a treadmill but being scanted of money makes new yet indispensable purchases impossible? Quell your worries about prices, and make smart moves to fulfill your desires without fearing the current fiscal slump. As ironic as it may sound, the recession has forced a common man to cut back on leisure pursuits like traveling, entertainment, gym sessions, art classes and so on. What used to be taken as for granted now requires a thorough glance at pre-defined budget.

However, there are individuals proudly calling themselves smart shoppers, for they know how to afford frivolities while staying within their budgets. Wondering how do they make it? They are adept at tracking down discount deals for fantastic savings on their purchases. All health conscious beings or individuals looking to add more machines to their gyms must trawl the web to scour recessing busting offers like online coupons for instant discounts on home and gym use fitness equipments.

Considering the growing trend of appreciating discounts or price cuts among shoppers, many a retailers give a twist to their marketing strategies by adding promotional offers to them. This forced contenders into a sheer competition of taking a lead over the other thereby benefitting consumer to provide a range of choices to choose from. Today, cyber world is holding a plethora of websites offering comparisons by price, quality and brand. A smart shopper will follow these minute, often overlooked, steps to pull off great deals.
Online coupons guarantee best bargains, as they are recession busting codes which get buyers nice abatements on purchased products while checking out any shopping portal. While some promotional vouchers offer discounts, many remove shipping charges and the purchases are delivered to home with no fee. However, the amount of discounts given on acquisitions varies by price; the higher the prices the bigger the discounts.

There's a word for caution while snatching coupon codes for wellness items and fitness products: Visit a legitimate discount website and obtain a valid coupon to claim discounts. But, if you find exploring websites for money-off deals a hassle - Myvouchercodes is a website for you to explore. It's a one-stop solution to all your well being and fitness equipment needs, and lists a wide assortment of great-value online coupons on treadmills, elliptimills, elliptical, airdyne bikes, fitness bikes and a range of other equipments. Just search for the right coupon for the desired appliance and you're set to get instant abatements.

Economic analysts have been trying to predict how long this slump will remain to no avail; therefore, astute is a move to follow a money-saving approach and become proficient in making the best use of money. They say saving money is as easy as it may seem, and that insignificant discounts culminate in significant amount at some point, creating a chance for you to get away with more purchases. Don't believe us? Get hold of online coupons, and avail yourself of nice price-cuts right away!


2011年10月29日 星期六

Health fitness equipment for fun on the run

It is very important to take care of your health which may sound boring and all the same. It is a very precious thing for every human being if one wants to enjoy life at its ultimate and not die out young. If the health of an individual is good, the individual can work efficiently and thoroughly. Fitness can be maintained with the help of exercises. It is compulsory to have a regular regime of exercise for fitness of both mind and health. In the current scenario due to time constraint it is not possible to go out and do exercises. Hence the experts advise to use gym equipments which can be used at home even out of laziness.

The treadmills are the most commonly recommended gym used equipment for exercises. The treadmills come in various types and ranges. The treadmills are available for home. The treadmill is available for as low as Rs 20,000/-. They can cost as high as Rs. 75,000/-. There are various gym equipment manufacturers in Delhi. They manufacture products like cardio treadmills, incline trainer, elliptical trainer and bikes. They also produce equipments for strength training like EPIC Chest, Flat Bench, Hip Adduction and Abduction equipments, incline bench and Bicep.

The Cardio Fitness equipments reduce cholesterol and keep the heart healthy. These equipments are manufactured of excellent quality parts; which enhances the durability of the equipment. The after sale services are also excellent. The parts of the equipments are easily available in the market. International standards are maintained in the manufacturing of the equipments.

The gym equipments also include the cross trainers. It is static exercise machine which is helpful to reduce the stress in climbing of stairs, walking and running. The exercise in this equipment causes less pressure to the joints and hence it reduced injury of the bones and muscles. The cross trainers are a non impact cardiovascular workout equipment and the intensity can be adjusted as per the requirement of the individual.

Joggers Park is the most popular store for health and fitness equipment. The equipments manufactured by the company are of excellent quality. They are leading suppliers of cardio fitness products. They have the most reputed clients under their belt who are using their fitness products. Health is wealth. To maintain this wealth one should make sure to do proper exercises regularly. If a person is fit the he / she can live a long and healthy life; the person will have a control on his / her weight; the bones will remain strong and the energy and stamina levels will be high. The person with good health will have less of pain in the body.


2011年10月28日 星期五

Can a history of substance abuse raise your life insurance rates?

By M.K. Guetersloh

Life Quotes, Inc.

The hard partying years after college may have been replaced by the calm of married life. But those past behaviors may haunt you like an unwanted call from a former sweetheartespecially when you try to buy life insurance.

In order to receive standard rates, most insurance experts agree that drug and alcohol abuse problems need to be behind you for a minimum of five years.

Excessive use of drugs and alcohol can cause a number of serious health conditions. Researchers from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, estimates that alcohol and drug abuse can decrease your lifespan by nearly 10 years. Among the health risks, drug and alcohol abuse can cause high blood pressure, cancer (breast, esophageal, mouth, larynx and pharynx), liver disease, and heart or respiratory failure. The American Cancer Society reports that 2 to 4 percent of all cancers are directly related to alcohol abuse. The mixing of drugs and alcohol can be immediately fatal leading to seizures, coma, heart attack and respiratory failure.

"That kind of behavior can affect your rates catastrophically," says Ryan Pinney, a high-risk insurance specialist for Roseville, Calif.-based Pinney Insurance Center, Inc. "It's a health hazard and a moral hazard."

In addition to affecting your rates for life insurance, Pinney says, drug and alcohol abuse can also affect your health and auto insurance rates. In some instances, if you have a DUI, you might find your auto insurance policy cancelled altogether.

While drug and alcohol dependency is a fairly common obstacle for those seeking life insurance, Dr. Robert Pokorski, Chief Medical Strategist for The Hartford, says that it's still not impossible to get a life insurance policy at an affordable rate if you no longer drink.

"The classic case is: you have someone who is getting a little older and realizes they need to take better care of themselves," Pokorski says. "If they put five years between themselves and those events, they are very insurable and can get standard rates."

Insurers ask prospective policyholders to be forthcoming on medical questionnaires, but if you pass the medical questionnaire you're still not out of the woods yet. Insurance companies also review a prospective customer's medical and driving records along with blood and urine tests.

Pinney says of you have a problem with substance abusethe best course of action is to talk to an agent about those problems

How do they know?

Insurance companies can access information about a person's health status through the Medical Information Bureau (MIB). The MIB protects insurers, policyholders and applicants against insurance fraud in the life, health, disability, critical illness and long-term care lines of insurance.

If you've been denied life insurance due to a health risk such as substance abuse, a record of the denial is kept in the MIB's database,

"Any insurance company can look up your information in the database," says Pinney.

For that reason, Pinney says, "The worse thing they can do is blindly apply to several insurance companies for coverage and omit information, especially after a denial."

Although drugs are more difficult to detect and some insurance companies such as The Hartford don't test for drugs, alcohol abuse can be found in several tests used by most insurers to detect problems with liver function. During a paramedical examination, blood samples are subjected to a Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) test to rule out liver disease. Often, when excessive drinking is involved, a person's liver function will be elevated.

"Honestly is definitely the best policy," Pinney said. "If you don't disclose to an insurance company that you have a problem and they find it in your blood work or they find that you were arrested for driving under the influence last year; they won't be very happy and they won't insure you. In fact, no one will."

Allen Hixon, manager of State Farm's life and health underwriting division, agreed.

If someone is able to hide their problem from an insurance company's review and a policy is issued, Hixon says insurance companies might balk at paying the claim to beneficiaries if it's found out later that they hid information.

"If an insurance company can argue that the policy was entered into fraudulently that could limit what the beneficiary receives," Hixon said.

Hixon and Pokorski add that unlike hard drugs, insurers view alcohol and marijuana a little differently.

"How someone gets the hard drugs can also make a difference," Hixon says. "If the abuse comes by someone who has been prescribed chronic pain medication and they can't shake it, it's a little different than someone who is going out to the street corner to buy cocaine or heroin."

For those who have gone through treatment and recovery, insurers recommend waiting at least two years before seeking life insurance.

State Farm generally uses two years of being clean and sober as a benchmark to revisit a policy, but Hixon warns that the rates may still be a little higher.

Pinney says that insurance companies are looking for three things when it comes to underwriting drug and alcohol abuse:

complete disclosure of problems, compliance with their doctor's orders to stop the behavior, and what is the ultimate result of that person's efforts to remain clean and sober.

Facts and Myths about alcohol

1.) A person who wants to drink less alcohol should drink white wine.


The standard 5-ounce serving of white or red wine, a 12-ounce bottle of beer and a -ounce shot of 80 proof distilled spirits contain the same amount of alcohol and register the same on a Breathalyzer test.

2.) Drinking red wine is good for your heart.


Red wine can prevent heart disease if it is limited to only one drink a day.

3.) DoesDrinking beer causes a "beer belly"?


Eating too much food causes a "beer belly." No beer or other alcohol beverage is necessary is needed to create one.

4.) Drinking will add pounds to your waistline.


Drinking alcohol does not cause weight gain. This myth is widely believed because alcohol does have calories. Extensive research has concluded that it does not cause weight gain in men. For women, the research found alcohol frequently causes limited weight loss.

5.) Only college students binge drink.


Few college students are binge drinkers. In recent years, the number of students that drink continues to decline including the number of students that drink heavily. Some researchers have defined binge drinking as consuming at least four drinks a day for women and five drinks a day for men. Many college students become branded as binge drinkers because they qualify under that definition. However, by definition binge drinking is an extended period of drunkenness that lasts for several days while the drinker drops out of normal life activities.

6.) Men and women can drink the same amount of alcohol if they are roughly the same height and weight.


Men can metabolize alcohol faster because they have more lean muscle than women. Lean muscle helps dilute the affects of alcohol because it increases the percentage of body water. Women typically have a little more fat than lean muscle compared to men. Also, alcohol can affect women more rapidly. Women also have less of the enzyme dehydrogenase, which metabolizes alcohol. And woman's menstrual cycle also affects how alcohol is absorbs and metabolized.

7.) The strictest drinking laws are found in the United States


Among Western nations, the United States has the strictest drinking laws for young people. Age 21 is the highest minimum drinking age in the entire world. These tight rules continue by covering adults with zero tolerance rules regarding public intoxication and drinking and driving. 8.) The country with the highest consumption of alcohol in the world per capita is the United States.


9.) The United States is ranked 32nd with an average consumption rate of 1.74 gallons of pure alcohol per person annually.


According to latest estimates, the Top 10 Alcohol Consuming Countries and the average gallons of pure alcohol consumed per person is:

Portugal 2.98 Luxembourg 2.95 France 2.87 Hungary 2.66 Spain 2.66 Czech Republic 2.64 Denmark 2.61 Germany 2.50 Austria 2.50 Switzerland 2.43

Sources: Alcohol: Problems and Solutions, Hanson, David; Carroll, C.R. Drugs in Modern Society; Cline, C. N. (Ed.) The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of Life; Wechsler, H., et al., Journal of American College Health, 1998; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Avis, H. Drugs and Life; Lowenson, J., et al. (Eds.) Substance: A Comprehensive Textbook; Barr, A. Drink: A Social History of America.

This article originally published on www.lifequotes.com.


2011年10月27日 星期四

Ximo Health – Do They Have What It Takes To Be The Next Big Healthy Beverage Company?

If you're reading this third party review of Ximo Health, chances are you're looking for information on the company because you're thinking about joining. Before you do, I want to encourage you to go over this entire review so you can make an educated and informed decision about the company and business opportunity. In this review, I'll go into the actual company, the product, the business opportunity and whether or not they have what it takes to become the next big healthy beverage company. I want to disclose that I'm not a Ximo Health distributor, so rest assured I'll be giving you this review from an unbiased perspective.

First of all, let's go into the actual company. Ximo Health is a company that sells a healthy beverage through a network marketing business model. The Salt Lake City, Utah based company was relaunched in November 2010 under new owner, and CEO, Erik Laver. Laver has a very impressive business resume dating back to 1992, where he got started i n network marketing with a company called E'OLA International. In his time with E'OLA International, he was able to build a team of 500,000 distributors and became the company's #1 income earner. After his time with E'OLA International, he co-founded and acted as President of SendOutCards, which is currently a very popular network marketing company that is doing very well. While there isn't much information on the rest of the company's corporate team, it does seem that the company is positioning itself to be a player in the functional beverage category of the network marketing industry.

Ximo Health markets a sugar-free, healthy functional beverage called Ximo. It's reported benefits include increased energy, improved mental focus and weight loss. It contains green tea, which not only provides the benefits mentioned, but also contains antioxidants, which fortifies your immune system and lowers blood pressure. Aside from green tea, Ximo also includes Quercetin (whic h improves circulation), Yohimbe (which increases your metabolism), Niacin (which increases energy levels), Trimethylglycine (which protects against dehydration) and caffeine.

As far as the business opportunity is concerned, you can join Ximo Health by purchasing an initial order of product, then maintaining a monthly autoship. The company has a unilevel compensation plan, that provides four ways to get paid. The first way to get paid is retail commissions, which you can earn by personally selling products. The second way to get paid is through the Great Start Bonuses, which allows you to get paid 35% of the initial order of anyone you sponsor, and 15% of the initial order of anyone who is sponsored by someone you personally sponsored. The third way to get paid is through unilevel commissions, which allows you to get paid on the autoship orders of your downline down to 8 levels based on your rank. From a business standpoint, it's good to know that the company comp resses out any inactive distributors so you can get paid on 8 levels of active distributors. Last but not least, based on your performance, you can also participate in the Global Leadership Bonus Pools, which would enable you to get paid on the overall purchased of the entire company. Overall, the Ximo Health compensation plan is quite fair and can be lucrative for the right person.

In summary, Ximo Health is definitely a solid company. They have a CEO that is documented and experienced, they have a good product that is backed by science and testimonials and a generous compensation plan. With that said, having all that in place isn't enough to succeed. While it's clear that having a credible company is critical to your business, at the end of the day, your success will rely on your ability to sponsor new people into your business, market products and get customers and build a productive team. One of the key components to accomplishing those things is the ability t o market and generate leads. My recommendation is that you use a proven Attraction Marketing system that allows you to brand yourself, generate leads, make money even when people don't join your business and sponsor people on the back-end. If you can incorporate online attraction marketing and branding with a solid offline system, there's no telling how successful you can be with your Ximo Health business.


2011年10月25日 星期二

Lose Weight Lifting Weights

What is the best way to lose weight? That is the question thousands of people ask themselves everyday. The problem is that there are so many different methods one could use to lose weight that it is difficult to determine which will be the most effective for you. There is no replacement for a healthy diet when trying to lose weight, but diet alone will not usually allow you to lose weight effectively. In order for a healthy diet to work to lose weight, it must be combined with exercises that increase your lean muscle mass. The best way to build lean muscles is by lifting weights. But can you lose weight by lifting weights? The answer is yes, but you must follow a strict regimen that is designed specifically to lose weight.

Because weight lifting is normally thought of to bulk up and gain weight, it may be difficult to believe you can actually lift weights to lose weight. But by understanding how the process works, you will clearly see that weight lifting could actually be the best way to lose weight.

When you begin your quest for weight loss, the first thing you need to figure out is how to raise your Resting Metabolism Rate. The Resting Metabolism Rate or RMR is the rate in which your body consumes fuel when it is at rest. The fuel, or calories as they are more commonly known, comes from the foods you eat and are then burned to fuel your body. But do you know where your body burns most of the calories you take in? In lean muscle mass.

Because muscle is an active tissue, your muscles will continue to burn calories even when you are resting. This means that the more muscle you have in your body, the faster your body will burn calories. By the same token, the more fat you have the slower your body will burn calories. This leads us back to the question from earlier, of whether you can lose weight by lifting weights. After learning about how the body processes calorie intake, the answer is an obvious Yes.

Going back to diet for a moment, it should be noted that the reason many people never lose weight by dieting alone is because they do nothing to increase their RMR. You must combine your healthy diet with a good exercise program. But be careful, even exercises like aerobics or other cardio type workouts do little to increase your RMR. That is the reason most good trainers suggest you add weight lifting to your exercise program.

So how often do you need to lift weights to get the most benefit for weight loss? Well, most fitness experts will tell you that lifting weights 2-3 times per week will be more than sufficient to increase your RMR and get that fat burning off your body.

Start with a weight that is comfortable for you to lift 8-12 times or reps. If your muscles do not become noticeably tired by the 12th rep, the weight is too light for you. Gradually increase the weight until your muscles become fatigued around the 12th rep. As you begin to build lean muscle mass, you will need to gradually increase the weight. When you reach a point where your muscles do not get noticeably tired around the 12th rep, increase the weight around 10%.

The information provided in this article is meant for both men and women alike. There are no separate rules to increase your RMR. So for the ladies who are afraid to get too bulky from lifting weights, not to worry, the testosterone level in your body will not allow you to build muscles like a man. But men, the amount of testosterone in your body will actually help you by speeding up muscle growth and allowing you to increase your RMR much faster than women. So no excuses for not losing weight!

In closing this article I'd like to note that while weight lifting is the perfect exercise to build lean muscle and increase your RMR, it should not take the place of aerobic or other cardio exercises, it should be use along with them. Working hand in hand with your healthy diet, weight lifting and cardio exercises will increase your RMR thus allowing you to lose weight. Dieting by itself will actually slow down your metabolism and possibly cause you to gain weight. Don't let that happen to you. Get out there and lift those weights.


2011年10月24日 星期一

How Alternative Medicine Therapy Works

Alternative medicine therapy is fast becoming the popular alternative for individuals seeking medical care without having to rely so heavily on prescription medications. A medical discount card is a great solution for reducing some of the costs associated with holistic alternative medicine, especially for those without health insurance.

How Does Holistic Care Work?

The central theme of holistic alternative medicine is that every treatment should reflect on the whole body and its overall health, not just a singular part or area that is experiencing pain or issues. The Greek word "holos" means "whole," and that is where the term "holistic" is derived from.

There is nothing new about this concept of alternative medicine therapy because it has been around for countless centuries. It is defined by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as providing healthcare that takes the entirety of the individual into account. The NIH set up the National Center of Complime ntary and Alternative Medicine, which provides research into the many facets of alternative medicine therapy.

Holistic alternative medicine does not just focus on the individual's physical situation, but believes the mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of the human psyche are just as important to the wellbeing of an individual. Studies indicate that patients using holistic or alternative medicine therapy have been able to receive the following benefits:

* A balanced lifestyle - The underlying treatment for any problem is the balance of the lifestyle. It is very similar to the band-aid treatment. A band-aid only covers and protects an area that is already injured, but the overall objective is to teach the injured individual to be careful and take precautions to avoid being injured again. All kinds of illnesses can be prevented if a person has a lifestyle that provides for balance in diet and exercise while managing stress and personal problems.

* Health t hrough nature - Another chief reason people have improved health through alternative medicine therapy is because they use natural products whenever possible. Natural is almost always better than synthetic.

* Improved overall health - Used in conjunction with other medical care that is sometimes necessary, alternative medicine improves the recovery time for maladies and helps the individual stay healthy without as many reoccurrences of the problem.

* Faster relief of pain - Some holistic treatments relieve pain and suffering quicker than the standard medications used in classic medical treatment. This is achieved without the side effects that invariably are caused by drugs.

Much of alternative medicine is natural, but it is necessary to receive services and care that can amount to substantial costs. A discount medical card provides assistance with costs incurred when traditional health insurance policies will absorb none of the expense.

Types of Treatm ents in Holistic Care

The medical discount card can provide for assistance in alternative medicine from a network of holistic providers as soon as the first premium is paid. Several treatment methods are available based on the preferences and needs of the individual. The most popular treatments are:

* Acupuncture and Acupressure - Acupressure is a method of massage that re-channels the body's energy, providing proper flow throughout the entire body. Acupuncture provides a similar process through the use of needles applied at specific points along the meridians of the body.

* Detoxification - This is another ancient practice that has experienced a recent revival. This procedure eliminates toxins and free radicals from the body's organs, resulting in improved health and increased resistance to disease.

A discount medical card assures you and your family of receiving alternative medicine therapy, as you need it, and it offers protection from future healt h issues.


How Alternative Medicine Therapy Works

Alternative medicine therapy is fast becoming the popular alternative for individuals seeking medical care without having to rely so heavily on prescription medications. A medical discount card is a great solution for reducing some of the costs associated with holistic alternative medicine, especially for those without health insurance.

How Does Holistic Care Work?

The central theme of holistic alternative medicine is that every treatment should reflect on the whole body and its overall health, not just a singular part or area that is experiencing pain or issues. The Greek word "holos" means "whole," and that is where the term "holistic" is derived from.

There is nothing new about this concept of alternative medicine therapy because it has been around for countless centuries. It is defined by the National Institute of Health (NIH) as providing healthcare that takes the entirety of the individual into account. The NIH set up the National Center of Complime ntary and Alternative Medicine, which provides research into the many facets of alternative medicine therapy.

Holistic alternative medicine does not just focus on the individual's physical situation, but believes the mental, emotional, and spiritual parts of the human psyche are just as important to the wellbeing of an individual. Studies indicate that patients using holistic or alternative medicine therapy have been able to receive the following benefits:

* A balanced lifestyle - The underlying treatment for any problem is the balance of the lifestyle. It is very similar to the band-aid treatment. A band-aid only covers and protects an area that is already injured, but the overall objective is to teach the injured individual to be careful and take precautions to avoid being injured again. All kinds of illnesses can be prevented if a person has a lifestyle that provides for balance in diet and exercise while managing stress and personal problems.

* Health t hrough nature - Another chief reason people have improved health through alternative medicine therapy is because they use natural products whenever possible. Natural is almost always better than synthetic.

* Improved overall health - Used in conjunction with other medical care that is sometimes necessary, alternative medicine improves the recovery time for maladies and helps the individual stay healthy without as many reoccurrences of the problem.

* Faster relief of pain - Some holistic treatments relieve pain and suffering quicker than the standard medications used in classic medical treatment. This is achieved without the side effects that invariably are caused by drugs.

Much of alternative medicine is natural, but it is necessary to receive services and care that can amount to substantial costs. A discount medical card provides assistance with costs incurred when traditional health insurance policies will absorb none of the expense.

Types of Treatm ents in Holistic Care

The medical discount card can provide for assistance in alternative medicine from a network of holistic providers as soon as the first premium is paid. Several treatment methods are available based on the preferences and needs of the individual. The most popular treatments are:

* Acupuncture and Acupressure - Acupressure is a method of massage that re-channels the body's energy, providing proper flow throughout the entire body. Acupuncture provides a similar process through the use of needles applied at specific points along the meridians of the body.

* Detoxification - This is another ancient practice that has experienced a recent revival. This procedure eliminates toxins and free radicals from the body's organs, resulting in improved health and increased resistance to disease.

A discount medical card assures you and your family of receiving alternative medicine therapy, as you need it, and it offers protection from future healt h issues.


2011年10月23日 星期日

Using your Health Savings Account for Alternative Medicine

Health Savings Accounts allow you to set up a tax-deductible account to pay for medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance.These include expenses to cover your deductible, and other medical expenses like dental and eyeglasses.But many don't realize that HSA funds can be used to pay for virtually any type of medical service, as long as it pertains to the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition.

Because money withdrawn from a health savings account to pay medical expenses is tax-free, anyone who has an HSA can funnel all alternative medical expenses through their HSA and get a tax write-off.This could include biofeedback, naturopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, aromatherapy, magnetic healing, reflexology, and the list goes on.

People who use complementary therapies are often very health conscious, and go to traditional physicians less often.So it does not make sense for them to be paying a high premium for a traditional health insurance plan with a co-pay, particularly when their medical treatments are not covered anyway.Instead, many are choosing a low cost high-deductible HSA plan.

Alternative Therapies Becoming Mainstream

Many hospitals are now offering complementary treatments.The website for the Memorial Sloan-Keating Cancer Center states that complementary therapies are used to "help alleviate stress, reduce pain and anxiety, manage symptoms, and promote a feeling of well-being."

Some group health insurance plans are beginning to cover more complementary expenses, but there is still very little coverage for these expenses in individual or family plans.Those that cover chiropractic limit coverage to 12 - 20 visits per year, and a few will cover a limited amount of acupuncture.But very few if any cover hypnotherapy, Reiki, iridology, or faith healers.

Why Complementary Medicine

The conventional medicine practiced by most MDs is called allopathic medicine.The philosophy of this system is to treat disease and injury using counteractive methods.For instance, if you have a fever you may take aspirin to make it go down, if your cholesterol is elevated you may take a statin to reduce it, if you have heartburn you may take an antacid.The thinking is mostly focused on removing the symptoms of disease, and the primary treatment modalities are surgery and prescription drugs.

But there are other ways to look at things. Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief in the body's own healing powers, which can be strengthened through the use of certain foods, vitamins, herbs, or other "natural" treatments.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on ancient Chinese theories about the balance of yin and yang.Ayurvedic medicine is based on principles of movement, metabolism, and structure.

Part of the growing use of complementary therapies is a reaction to the costs, side effects, and philosophy of conventional allopathic medicine.Physicians get much of their continuing education from the pharmaceutical industry, and they work in an environment where the insurers and the patients are both looking for a quick fix.The result is that the average 60 year old is now taking 5 regular medications, yet there is little expectation that those drugs will ever cure the health problems for which they're being used.Many consumers see this, and instead are using other methods to try to get to the root of their illness.

What is Considered a "Qualified HSA Expense"

Qualified medical expenses have been partially defined in IRS Publication 502, and through various federal court rulings.There is no definitive list, but there are really very few restrictions as long as the procedure is for the treatment or prevention of a specific health condition.For instance, you could not use your HSA funds to pay for a relaxing massage for your own personal pleasure.But if your doctor recommends you get a massage for specific medical reasons, this is considered a qualified expense.Yoga would not normally be considered a qualified medical expense, but it would be if it was recommended as a physical therapy following some sort of accident.

Some may question why the government would give a tax deduction for someone to use some crazy energy vibration machine to cure their cancer.But this is as it should be.No one but you should be able to decide what type of treatment you will use for your own illnesses.By empowering individuals to manage their health as they see fit, HSAs encourage personal responsibility and help loosen the monopoly on healthcare that conventional medicine has had for the past few decades.


2011年10月22日 星期六

Adult Basic Pennsylvania health insurance for low-income people to end

Pennsylvania's subsidized health insurance for low-income working people will likely end next month, officials on Gov.-elect Tom Corbett's transition team said Tuesday, leaving more than 40,000 people with less palatable options and dashing the hopes of more than 400,000 on the waiting list. Easy To Insure ME has the answers

"AdultBasic is not sustainable," said Kevin Harley, a spokesman for the transition, referring to the insurance program that began eight years ago under Gov. Tom Ridge, a Republican, and was expanded by outgoing Gov. Rendell, a Democrat.

Staff for the incoming and outgoing governors traded accusations Tuesday about who was responsible for the program's demise, but both agreed that the money - a combination of tobacco-settlement revenues and donations from the state's four Blue Cross plans - would run out around Feb. 28 and that no good alternative was in place.

"There is no apparent source of funds," said David F. Simon, chairman of the transition team for insurance matters and chief legal counsel of Jefferson Health System.

To provide "as soft a landing as possible," Simon said, the team had negotiated an agreement with the Blue Cross companies to waive their normal restriction on people with preexisting conditions who move from adultBasic to the Blues' current Special Care plans for low-income people.

Those plans cost several times as much as adultBasic and provide far fewer benefits - a maximum of four doctor's office visits a year for most issues, including both primary care and specialists, for example.

"Special care is horrible insurance," said Gene Bishop, an internal medicine doctor at Pennsylvania Hospital and a physician consultant to the Pennsylvania Health Law Project, one of several advocacy groups that condemned the move.

"When I was in practice and I first saw someone with that insurance, I thought they were mistaken. Who would sell someone insurance that you can only go four times a year?" said Bishop. A doctor should see someone with diabetes at least that often, she said, just to meet medical guidelines for managing the person's condition, not counting anything else that might happen, such as contracting the flu.

Kathy Dabanian, a 52-year-old house cleaner who lives in Sellersville, Bucks County, has been enrolled in adultBasic almost since the beginning, when doctors at Doylestown Hospital suspected she had Lyme disease.


2011年10月21日 星期五

Why We Choose Health Insurance

Why we choose health insurance

We all tend to buy health insurance for the same reasons. We want to bypass the NHS waiting lists and receive treatment when we need it.

Going into hospital is a stressful occasion and as a patient you want to be as comfortable as possible, private health cover will often mean your own private room with en-suite and home comforts such as television, internet and a choice of food when you want it.

Health insurance is not designed to replace the NHS, a health plan is designed to provide cover for the treatment of acute conditions. The private sector has very limited resources for Accident and Emergency and the treatment of chronic conditions, so both will tend not to be covered on your health insurance.

Health insurance for women who are pregnant

If you take any of the leasing insurers and look through the policy terms the health insurance tends not to cover normal pregnancy. In the majority of cases midwives and doctors carry out the everyday care of the pregnancy through the NHS. A pregnant woman will have regular appointments and scans with their general practitioner and midwife to ensure the pregnancy progresses as it should and this will continue after the birth to ensure the baby and mother is in good health.

Now although a standard health plan may not cover normal pregnancy you do have the option of going private and paying for the services of a midwife and obstetrician should you require. However given the quality of the antenatal care through the NHS the private sector resources for everyday pregnancy care is limited.

Cover you can expect for pregnancy

Now although many plans will not cover normal pregnancy it is important to note that each insurer has its own terms and any cover relating to pregnancy can differ significantly. Some insurers provide cover for pregnancy related issues and it�s important to understand the differences between the policies.

Although health insurance for women is not technically specific below are some of the benefits you could expect from your insurance during pregnancy.

Cover for some complications of pregnancy and childbirth Cash benefit if child is born using the NHS Cover for certain obstetrics procedures.

If you are looking for health insurance for women which specifically covers pregnancy some of the more comprehensive plans after a period of membership, say 2 years include cover often capped at a monetary limit for private consultations and tests as long as you have a normal pregnancy.

Additional Health insurance options to consider

Outpatient cover

Health insurance is built around inpatient treatment, as a policy becomes more comprehensive so it provides a greater level of outpatient cover, with increasing levels of outpatient cover comes increasing premiums. It is important you read the terms of the policy to understand the level of cover it provides for your specific needs, cover for pregnancy will increase the more comprehensive your plan.

Alternative medicines

An additional option in many health plans which will add around 6% to your premiums,providing cover for complementary treatments such as physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment.


An excess can help reduce your monthly premiums, by including an excess you are agreeing to pay the value of the excess either pre policy year or per claim to help towards the cost of treatment. Excesses can range from as little as 50 up to 1,000. A 100 excess could reduce your premiums by approximately 5%.


2011年10月20日 星期四

Policy Documents required for Louisiana Health Insurance

Those who are considering purchasing Louisiana health insurance for short term as well as long term are in for some good news. This is because health insurances, by their very nature, allow you as a policy holder to avoid the queues for approaching the consultants right away for receiving good quality and that too in a faster duration. While investing in any kind of Louisiana health insurance, you should be well aware of the fact that all the policies are different and this is the reason why you should thoroughly go through the terms and conditions before agreeing to their clauses.

Things to Consider while Investing in a Health Insurance Policy in Louisiana

Chronic conditions: There may be certain kinds of chronic conditions. For example, in case you are ill, but the illness is such that it is a curable one, especially during the short range phase, it is known as 'acute' illness. In this case, you will be granted coverage by your Louisiana health insu rance policy. On the contrary, however, if the illness is non curable or terminal, or if it is chronic which means it is likely to be treated, but the treatment will take time, you will not be covered with the health insurance policy in Louisiana.

Often, the thin line of demarcation between 'acute' and 'chronic' illnesses is a point of contention between the policy holder and the insurer. Let us take asthma and diabetes into consideration. These are chronic illnesses and this means they cannot be cured. They are there with you throughout their life. The same goes for certain kinds of cancer that cannot be classified. In this case, it is for the doctors to decide on the fact as to whether the particular form of cancer can be cured or not. However, in that case, there is still the possibility that the disease could go worse and diagnosis could become incurable.

The implication is that as long as the ailment may be curable, you should make the maximum out of your policy coverage. However, in case the diagnosis deems the illness as an incurable one, you are likely to lose your cover. The insurance companies in Louisiana have this right of reclassifying an disease from severe to continual during the procedure of cure.

Long term healing options: Those who are considering the alternative of going for a long term healing for their illness should be discouraged as the health insurance benefits this way are not much. Whatever the case, you need to check in with the documents that are specified to be produced for your insurance policy. Here, you can find an elaboration of the term 'long term' and proceed accordingly. This will help you determine whether your type of illness falls within the scope of the medical insurance.

Preventive medicine: Health insurance policies in Louisiana cannot be utilized for procuring for costs for preventive treatment. It only covers the cure and treatment of your conditions. The te rm 'preventive' is also contradictory among the insurance companies, as certain preventive drugs reduce the chances of ailment.


2011年10月18日 星期二

10 iPhone Apps For The Health of Your Pet

PetsMD's Mobile Symptom Checker

PetsMD's Mobile Symptom Checker iPhone App helps you make the best informed decisions to ensure your pets live longer, healthier and happier lives. PetsMD's Mobile Symptom Checker iPhone App provides an interactive tool with access to hundreds of medical symptoms that your pet may experience. The App gives you the information so you can have intelligent dialogue with your veterinarian about the treatment of your pet. All the information is veterinarian approved.

Pet First Aid

This iPhone app might actually save your pet's life. Pet First Aid will tell you what you should do for your pet in an emergency situation as well as offering advice for the daily treatment of your pet and things such as vaccinations or how to give your pet his medication. Pet First Aid provides illustrations, articles and videos to help you deal with many animal medical situations.

CU PetHealth

The CU Pet Health iPhone App helps you determine if you're feeding your pet the right amount of food. Input your pets daily diet, along with lifestyle factors such as the amount of exercise he gets and CU PetHealth will calculate whether his diet is appropriate and if not make diet suggestions. It also provides additional tips to keep your pet at the correct weight once he's there. CU PetHealth also lets you keep track of immunizations, medications and more.

Cat First Aid

The Cat First Aid iPhone App from PetMD gives you fast and clear advice for the most common cat emergencies. Cat First Aid will help you understand what is happening and give you clear advice on providing aid for your cat until you are able to get him to a vet.

Dog First Aid

Similar to the Cat First Aid iPhone App but for canines, The Dog First Aid iPhone app provides clear, concise advice for common dog emergencies. The Dog First Aid iPhone App will tell you what to do in the event of a medical emergency until you can get your dog to a veterinary.

Cat Symptoms

The Cat Symptoms iPhone App from PetMD give you access to hundreds of articles regarding the health and care of cats. The articles are written and approved by veterinarians. Each article provides a detailed description explaining the condition, what causes it, a list of its symptoms, a diagnosis and the best treatment options for that condition


The iKibble iPhone app tells you what foods are safe to feed your dog. The iKibble's built in search feature lets you quickly search the safety of any food. This thorough iPhone app gives advice on how to prepare certain foods for your dog, when you should feed your dog certain foods and how healthy is each food for your dog.

Paw Card

Paw Card lets you keep track of all your pets' medical information on your iPhone. This free app allows you to create an unlimited number of profiles for your cats, dogs and other pets. Then for each pet you can track medications, vaccination history, ID tag numbers, weight and vet information. Paw Card even lets you email your pet's paw card to a new vet, pet sitter or dog walker, providing them with up to date information.

Pet Health

The Pet Health iPhone App makes tracking your pet's medical information easy. Have your pet's medical data at the touch of your fingertips on your iPhone or instantly email it to a veterinarian in case of an emergency.

Paw Nation

Paw Nation delivers a fun, comprehensive daily round-up of all things pets to your iPhone. Including: adorable pet photos, expert pet health advice, pet horoscopes, celebrity pets, animals in costumes, pets in the news, pet products, pet care, pets in pop culture, exotic pets, a daily animal video of the day and much more.

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2011年10月17日 星期一

Alternative Medicine Programs in America

Find Alternative Medicine Programs in the United States and Canada. With the phenomenal expansion of complementary and holistic therapies, there are growing numbers of healing arts schools that now offer alternative medicine programs to both practitioners and prospective students searching for unique career-training opportunities.

Of the numerous alternative medicine programs - massage therapy, holistic health, energy healing, and nutritional consulting are some of the more popular academic programs available today. However, more comprehensive alternative medicine programs in chiropractic, naturopathy and Oriental medicine are gaining leeway in the educational industry as well.

For example, alternative medicine programs in herbology entail studies in both Eastern and Western medicine principles with an emphasis on botany, medicinal plants, herbal pharmacy, and more. Depending on the healing arts school in which you enroll, more advanced training in Chinese herbal medicine may be available. As well, there are several alternative medicine programs at acupuncture schools and naturopathy schools with curricula that include in-depth studies in herbal medicine.

Other alternative medicine programs, like massage therapy and other bodywork training can be completed in less than a year's time. In many cases, these natural healing courses are comprised of 500 training hours; however, some may well exceed 1,000 hours. Students enrolled in bodywork programs gain hands-on instruction in various massage modalities; including Swedish massage, sports massage and deep tissue massage.

Alternative medicine programs in holistic health prepare candidates for careers as holistic health practitioners. In this field of study, students gain practical training in mind/body/spirit medicines including Ayurveda, energy healing therapies, intuitive healing, aromatherapy, herbology, hypnotherapy and/or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and massage techniques, among others.

Homeopathy is another subject that is avidly taught in alternative medicine programs in both naturopathic schools and homeopathic schools. Believing in the theory that "like treats like," homeopathy is a medicine that is based on the law of similars, and students who participate in this program learn about homeopathic pharmacy, Hering's Law, materia medica, and other related subject matter.

Whether individuals choose to enhance already-established healthcare services, or are primarily interested in gaining entry-level positions in the alternative healthcare industry, completing one or more alternative medicine programs can help to improve prospective career outlook as well as giving successful candidates the skills and knowledge necessary to help in healing.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding alternative medicine programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Alternative Medicine Programs in America
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The CollegeBound NetworkAll Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.


2011年10月16日 星期日

Dahn Yoga Helps Relieve Chronic, Painful Diseases

What do you do when you have a chronic disease, feel pain nearly all the time, try various treatments, and get little relief from your symptoms?

For an increasing number of people in the United States and around the world, the last-resort answer is the holistic fitness training provided by the Dahn Yoga & Health Centers. Dahn Yoga consists of holistic health and brain education in the form of energy-training programs to individuals, families and communities. Dahn Yoga offers a wide range of innovative, highly effective preventive and restorative approaches, through its regular classes, special workshops and individual energy healing sessions.

Here is the case of Sylvia, in her 70s and living in the Midwest. She faced a chronic disease, which had defied for years any positive response to a variety of treatments. As she explains her initial condition, "In 2000. I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, a painful and chronic disease of the bladder. I had been suffering with symptoms for five years, and was relieved to finally know what was wrong with me. The problem was that this condition is very difficult to treat; there is not one treatment that works for everyone. In the years to follow my diagnosis, I tried many medications and therapies. Though some of these helped, I was not able to find something that consistently helped with the pain I was experiencing. I had to take a year off from work, and then went back on a part-time basis."

When Sylvia discovered Dahn Yoga, her hope of meaningful relief and a normal life again returned. According to her, "In 2006, I joined a Dahn Yoga center. I really didn�t know much about Dahn Yoga, but was looking for a way to exercise and hopefully improve my health. I was skeptical at first by the glowing reports of restored health I heard from other members, but I started taking classes regularly and scheduled private energy healing sessions".

"When I started doing Dahn Yoga, I was taking a pain medication every morning, and sometimes again later in the afternoon. It was the only way that I could get through the day. I spent much of my free time lying on the couch with a heating pad on my abdomen".

"In the first few week of my Dahn Yoga classes, I experienced the first signs that my condition could improve. I found that if I had pain at the beginning of class, it would be virtually gone when the class was over. I learned to accept my pain and to relax my body. I became aware of habits and negative emotions that were adversely affecting my health. After a few weeks of Dahn Yoga, I felt myself becoming stronger, both physically and emotionally. When I did have pain, I was able to work through it.

Eventually I attended the Dahn Healing System training and the intensive Tao Holistic Healing Program, both held at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, in Northern Arizona.

"My health condition got much better, and still continues to improve on a daily basis. I no longer need any pain medication regularly. In fact, I have seldom taken any painkillers during the past year. Friends and family have commented on the changes that they see in me. I am now a healthier and happier person than I was even before being diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. I truly feel calmer, centered, focused and better able to handle the inevitable problems that I encounter. My disease is not cured, but my condition no longer dominates and distorts my life. Dahn Yoga has helped to improve my health and my life in ways that I could only imagine before beginning this journey!"

Dahn (bright energy in Korean) is the symbolic manifestation of the sun rising at dawn, with its inexhaustible source of vitality. Dahn Yoga�s basic approach is to expand Ki-energy (core life vitality). In the model of Oriental health, energy affects the quality of the body (health, strength, flexibility and healing), mind (concentration, clarity, creativity and calmness), and spirit (meaning, purpose, vision and peace). Dahn Yoga is the modernized version of traditional Korean body-mind practices that go back more than 5,000 years. Ilchi Lee developed it, 30 years ago, as an expression of his vision of humanity enjoying health, happiness and peace.

Through the 600 Dahn centers worldwide � with 120 in 15 United States metropolitan areas � around a million people use its programs and methods every day.


2011年10月15日 星期六

Alternative Medicine For ADHD - A Way Through The Jungle

When we look at alternative medicine for ADHD, there is a startling variety and it is sometimes difficult to see the wood for the trees. We have a fantastic choice which ranges from Bach flower remedies, herbal remedies, homeopathy, acupuncture, meditation and behavior therapy. You could say it is anything which is not allopathic conventional medicine. For the purposes of this article, I want to concentrate on behavior therapy and homeopathy as they have given the most promising results in many trials with ADHD children and are gaining both popularity and respect as the best alternative medicine for ADHD available now.

There is a lot of debate and controversy on homeopathy. The medical establishment has long taken a hostile stand against homeopathy largely because it is using natural ingredients from plants and minerals which are diluted so much that it cannot have any effect on the human organism. ADHD children are often uncontrollable, inattentive or hyperactive o r a combination of all three, depending which type of ADHD they have. The homeopathic ingredients found to be most effective for ADHD are Cina, Hyoscyamus Niger and Stramonium. In the clinical trials, they definitely restored balance and helped to alleviate the most serious symptoms.

But the medical establishment protests that nobody knows exactly how or why homeopathy works. The same argument could be used against their own psychostimulant drugs which act as stimulants on the neurotransmitters in a child's brain. No long term studies have been done either. There is now widespread concern about the health risks associated with psychiatric drugs. So much so that thousands of parents are turning to alternative medicine for ADHD and homeopathy is the favourite, simply because there are no side effects or risks.

You can imagine the outcry when infants less than the age of one are being diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed these somewhat dangerous medications. Lots of prestigious medical bodies are now questioning the wholesale drugging of the nation's children and as the tons of Ritalin, Cylert and Dexadrine are being consumed, there are fears about the health risks involved.

As will be obvious to any intelligent parent, the way a child behaves will not be cured by drugs. The ADHD child will have to grow into an adult very quickly and he is going to need time management and coping skills, not to mention ability to interact with peers and form long lasting relationships. No medication will teach him these skills. What will teach him to learn these skills is behaviour modification or ADHD behavior therapy which is now approved by more enlightened doctors and caregivers. It is through this type of intervention, with the parents and children as partners, that positive behaviour is reinforced while bad behaviour is discouraged.

Some medication is needed to alleviate ADHD symptoms and to keep the child calm and under control so that tantrums are reduced and bouncing off the walls is an exception rather than the rule. ADHD drugs are not the answer but a homeopathic remedy is. This combination of behavior therapy combined with a homeopathic treatment is by far the best alternative medicine for ADHD.


2011年10月14日 星期五

Niche Directory Submission - A New Link Building Approach

Website owners who are into promoting their site online have been using directory submission as a method of link building for over a decade now. Submitting to web directories has been a popular method of building some quick backlinks for them whether using Link building Services or doing it on their own. This specific method of generating backlinks worked like charm for years and it still remains as a popular and effective link building method.

A new addition to this specific market is niche directories. Since Google is paying lot more importance to relevant quality backlinks as opposed to just the number of backlinks, directory owners have been leaning towards niche directories, which generate relevant backlink for a site in the same niche.

For example, if someone launches a directory focusing on health only, then the directory in question will only list health-related sites. This head directory will then be considered as a health niche directory where healt h site owners can submit their site to get a relevant backlinks. Considering the fact that it is the quality and relevancy of the backlink that matters most to Google, Link building Services with niche directory submission seem to be a good approach.

A typical web directory has a category structure covering all possible topics starting from Arts to World Wide Web where a health niche directory will only list sites that are health related. A health directory will therefore organize the category structure covering all possible health related topics. Not only health and wellness related topics are entertained on a niche directory, various diseases and conditions are also added.

Since this niche directory submission is a new approach of link building, it will be somewhat challenging to find plenty of those directories where one can submit their site to. However, Google is always your best friend where you can perform a search to see how many of those niche director ies you can find out. Put together a list with all your findings and just keep submitting one after one.


2011年10月13日 星期四

Weight Loss System: Best Weight Loss System To Lose Weight Fast

Today I will be sharing with you what is the best weight loss system to follow for people trying to lose weight. If you have been a victim of unhealthy foods, bad exercising habits, and a negative attitude then you have come to the right place to redeem yourself. I am the plaintiff against all of these bad habits, and am here to save you from them. Losing weight is a fairly easy task if you know what to do, and how to do it. If you want to lose weight you are going to have to do the opposite of the three cardinal sins mentioned above.

Of course, eating right and exercise are the healthiest ways to lose weight but exercise and dieting takes lot of time and effort. If you are like me, who doesn't have time and patience to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is through 100% natural weight loss remedies.

Same foods and natural remedies that tribal Indians and our ancestors used to live obesity free and healthy life. These natural weight loss remedies are scientifically proven and are the only way to lose weight fast. You can get these natural remedies absolutely free until Monday by clicking HERE!. Get your free copy of ultimate weight loss secrets now.

I lost 6 pounds within a week using 5th diet/remedy mentioned in Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets. In total I lost 38 pounds in less than 3 months using some of the secrets mentioned in that report. Get your copy free, before its too late and achieve your weight loss go al within matter of days. Head over to download your weight loss guide for free (before Monday) at http://www.thefreeweightlossebook.com/

Let's begin discussing the bad habit of eating unhealthy food, and how you can change that. Throughout the world there are very few fast food chains that actually provide you with something healthy enough that I would suggest eating, but especially in America we are really shorthanded. Our top fast food chain, McDonald's, is probably the poorest quality of food I have seen anywhere. Stay away. I repeat, stay away from this venom. When trying to establish weight loss you have to watch your calories in a strict plan which you will need to some help making. A powerful suggestion that I would make is to follow the Calorie Shifting Diet plan, which is completely provided at the end of this article absolutely free!

To cap off you weight loss plan you need to incorporate the final two things that will help you. The first one being getting into a healthy lifestyle. I am not talking about the type of activeness you had when you played high school football, but something similar to it. Try to get yourself into an intense aerobics workout for at least thirty minutes a day. Secondly, I want you to start gearing up with the right outlook about yourself. Vision how much you want to weigh every day and do everything within your power to achieve it.

String all three of these suggestions together to develop a tremendous weight loss system for yourself. Make sure to not forget the diet plan provided below which will help you kick start a healthy life. Add the exercising and new outlook attitude to the mix, and watch yourself to a healthier happier lifestyle that you can enjoy with your family and friends.

Of course, eating right and exercise are the healthiest ways to lose weight but exercise and dieting takes lot of time and effort. If you are like me, who doesn't have time and pati ence to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is through 100% natural weight loss remedies.


2011年10月12日 星期三

Natural Cold Sore Treatment – Natural Verus Over the Counter Cold Sores Treatment

Cold sore is not something harmful to the extent that it will threat your life. Still the occurrence of cold sore can be quite annoying and painful. There are two types of treatment available today, medical treatment and natural cold sore treatment. And the medication itself can be furthermore divided into three phases: ease the symptom, slow down the spread, and lastly stop the virus.

1. Over The Counter Cold Sore Treatment

Over the counter cold sore treatment can provide a quick and effective treatment. Several example of over the counter products for cold sore are: Anbesol Cold Sore Therapy Ointment, Abreva, and Zilactin Cold Sore Gel just to name a few. You can get these products at your local health stores in a readymade package.

2. Abreva

Abreva is over the counter product that has been approved by FDA. Promote faster healing and relief. There have been many people reported its effectiveness in helping cure their cold sores.

3. Other Natural Cold Sore Treatment

Other natural cold sore remedies that have been proven effective are the kinds that contain antiviral traits. For example: tea bag.

Applying ice over the affected area for 15 minutes every hour can ease the symptom of cold sore. At the early stage, it can also cure your cold sore effectively.

Several combinations of ingredients also useful in curing your cold sore, for instance, a combination of coconut oil, dettol, and carbolic acid have been useful in treating cold sore effectively.

Over the counter products can quickly provide a relief and effective treatment over your cold sore. Some examples of cold sore remedies are anbesol cold sore therapy ointment, abreva, and zilactin cold sore gel.

Abreva has been proven to promote faster healing, available at your local health stores. Other natural treatment that can effectively cure cold sore is the kind of treatment that contains antiviral effect, for example tea bag.


2011年10月11日 星期二

How to Easily Lose Weight Fast

One of the main cause of obesity among people all across the world is unhealthy eating habits. Lack of physical movements or exercises also contribute towards unnecessary weight gain. Therefore, two most important aspects of losing weight are right foods and proper exercises in your daily life. Many people shy away from losing weight just because they think that they have to follow a very strict diet regime. These people are more eager to find out how to easily lose weight.

How to Easily Lose Weight Fast

When you are looking for ways to lose weight fast and easy, then let me tell you that there is no shortcut method. However, you can make simple changes diet and lifestyle so that you can lose weight fast and safe. The important steps to easily lose weight are as follows:

Step #1: Keep your goal realistic. There is no point setting some unrealistic goals like losing 20 pounds in a month. Rather, go slow an d try to lose just 5 pounds at a time. This will be easy for your body to accept the changes.

Step #2: Eliminate wrong foods. Those foods which contain high amount of saturated fat should be avoided as they accumulate fat in your body. Processed food should be avoided as the additive content in them add up to calories.

Step #3: Follow easy diets to lose weight. When you are trying to lose weight, that does not mean that you have to starve yourself. Starving will increase your craving for food. Rather, select healthy foods to lose weight. Have lots of green salads and vegetable soups at the start of the meal. This will fill your stomach easily control your hunger to a great extent. It will also provide you with nutrition and calories that you need. Have whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice to get some healthy carbohydrates. Lean meats, low fat dairy products and seeds provide healthy fats. End your meal with fruits which will supply you essential vitamins and minerals.

Step #4: Eat your meals in right proportion. That means in order to avoid overeating, you have to keep the size of the meals small. Eat more number of meals at a gap of every 2-3 hours. These frequent meals will improve the rate of metabolism. Thus burning calories will be much easier.

Step #5: Drinking plenty of water is a must for your weight loss. Ideally, you should drink 8 glasses of water to keep yourself healthy. Water excrete out unwanted toxic substance form the body. It keeps you hydrated. Most importantly, it gives you a sense of fullness. Drink water after regular interval of time. Do not drink too much of water at a time. Nor should you drink water after a long gap of time.

Step #6: Do not be very strict on yourself. Once in a while feel free to indulge yourself on your favorite dishes. However, it should not happen very f requently. You must keep a watch on the quantity as well. If you end up overeating them, then you would feel guilty later on.

Step #7: Regular exercising is a must for shedding extra pounds. If you are interested in easy exercises to lose weight fast, then you must opt for mild to moderate aerobic exercises. It can be running, walking, swimming or any such exercises that you feel comfortable. You should do them 3-5 times in a day according to physical capacity of your body. Just because you want some easy ways to lose weight, do not overdo exercises as it is bad for your health.

Hope you have understood how to easily lose weight. These are the easy ways to lose weight fast. However, you must keep one thing in mind that you should not expect instant results from your weight loss program. It is not even good for your health. Do not quit you diet and exercise regime in mid way and results will start showing up at the right time.


2011年10月10日 星期一

Are Alternative Medicines Safe And Effective?

A large number of patients prefer the option of alternative medicine for various illnesses thinking it is always safe. The reality is that they may not be effective and even can more harm than benefit. There is a lot of debate about alternative and complementary medicine.

Alternative treatments describe care or ingredient which is not proven under the practical application or approved conventional specifications. Probably the most frequent forms of replacement treatments include things like plant based remedies, health supplements, remedies as well as methods which are beyond standard health care practice. Many of these have questions on their very own basic safety together with efficiency.

Traditional Chinese medicine, massage therapy, yoga, natural and organic teas, and also herb derivatives tend to be well-liked by supporters of alternative treatment, however, many conventional physicians think these types of remedies are useless and even harmful. Complement ary medicine is becoming more and more well known as lots of women and men experience the pains, aches, along with health issues which come with getting old.

Occasionally, people have not really attained any relief using conventional health care methods and therefore prefer other available choices to deal with their particular health problem. In still some other instances, individuals think quite firmly that herbal ways of therapy are superior to conventional treatments; therefore these people try to find solutions out of unconventional doctors as an alternative to family physician.

You can find negative aspects related to alternative treatment. A few of the dangers occur by way of the employment of unverified, unproductive, and in some cases harmful ingredients. A lot of the vendors of those products at times exaggerate the claims of the efficiency. They will often misrepresent the actual scientific aspect associated with that product in order to influence the g eneral public to purchase the item, even when its consumption may jeopardize an individual's health and well-being.

In case you are contemplating treatment options like traditional Chinese medicine or maybe reflexology, verify the particular credentials of that practitioner or health care provider prior to getting treated. Request with reference to the actual education received, and also become familiar with that therapy to find out if that appears to have been medically tried and then determined as being reliable.

It's a wise decision for you to inquire your physician about a substitute therapy you might be thinking of. Qualified medical experts possess the practical knowledge as well as training that will help you come up with reliable choices concerning your well-being.


2011年10月9日 星期日

Your Personal Cycles -- How to Make the Most of Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

Your Personal Cycles
How to Make the Most of Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

What will this day be like? I wonder.
What will my future be? I wonder.
Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Man's days are determined; you have decreed
the number of his months and have set
limits he cannot exceed.
Job 14:5

The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.

Everyone is affected by the Universal Year, Universal Month, and Universal Day to some degree. Each of us is also influenced by our Personal Year, our Personal Month, and our Personal Day. The influences of the Personal Years, Months, and Days normally dominate the influences of the Universal Years, Months, and Days. When our Personal Years, Months, and Days are compatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are strengthened. When they are incompatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are weakened.

Your Personal Year

The Personal Year is one of several methods used in numerology for forecasting future trends and is probably one of numerology's most powerful predictive tools. Personal Years, like Universal Years, come in nine-year cycles. Each nine-year cycle has a beginning and an ending and seven years of development in between. Each year of any nine-year cycle has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Year offers opportunities to develop new skills and talents that are in harmony with the Personal Year's number. The Personal Year number indicates the numerological vibration for each year of the nine-year-cycle. The numerological vibration of the Personal Year describes the best way to approach that particular year. For example, if you are in a 1-Personal-Year, you are in a year of new beginnings, characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. You should focus is on yourself and your personal aspirations.

The Personal Year is simple to calculate and only a little more difficult to interpret. To determine the numerical vibration of any Personal Year, all you need is the day and month of birth and the current year. As with Universal Years, I use the master numbers 11 and 22 when interpreting Personal Years.

To calculate your Personal Year, add your birth day (not birthdate!) plus your birth month and the current calendar year (Universal Year). For example, let's assume you were born April 20, 1986 and the current year is 2010. Your birth day is 20, and your month is April, the 4th month of the year. Your birth month is simplified by adding the one or two digits�0 and 4�together. 0 + 4 = 4. Your birth day is simplified by adding the one or two digits�2 and 0�together. 2 + 0 = 2. Add the number of your birth day to the number of your birth month. 2 + 4 = 6. Add the four digits of the current year�2010�together. 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3. Add the number of the current year to the sum of the birth day and the birth month: 6 + 3 = 9.

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Birth Month: April (the 4th month)
Birth Day: 20
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
The Personal Year Number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).

Let's do another.

Birthdate: May 13, 1994
Birth Month: May (the 5th month)
Birth Day: 13
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
Birth Month: 0 + 5 = 5
Birth Day: 1 + 3 = 4
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4
Sum: 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
The Personal Year Number is 4 (written 4-Personal-Year).

Let's do one more.

Birthdate: October 25, 1963
Birth Month: October (the 10th month)
Birth Day: 25
Birth Year: 1963
Current Year: 2009
Birth Month: 1 + 0 = 1
Birth Day: 2 + 5 = 7
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11
Sum: 1 + 7 + 11 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
The Personal Year number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).

Personal Year 1

This year marks the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. It is a year of new beginnings, a year characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. You may use this year to develop new skills and talents, launch new projects, pursue your aspirations, and focus on self-development. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Over these next twelve months you will be presented with what may seem to be an unending flow of new ideas, feelings, opportunities, and relationships.

Each new experience will give way to another. During the first six months, let the stream flow. Don't be too quick to hold on to any one idea or experience. During the last half of the year you will need to start making choices as to what you want to develop more fully. Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to stick to any one thing for very long. What you start this year will unfold over the following eight years. Choose wisely, though, because, in one way or another, the choices you make this year will serve as the foundation for the rest of this cycle. You may find this year to be one of increased vitality and subjectivity, strength and self-centeredness.

Some may display leadership skills and find themselves working with a degree of power and authority. In general, your health will be good, and you may feel more energized and lively than you have felt in a long time. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working along.

Interpersonally, some people may perceive you as being standoffish or conceited this year. This is the year to develop self-reliance, initiative, and a healthy sense of self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem will help you may avoid the feelings and traps of both inferiority and superiority, either of which could sabotage the purpose of this year.

Personal Year 2

You are entering the second year of your nine-year personal cycle. During this year your focus is on others, especially those people who are most important to you. Your awareness and understanding of others grow this year. Those others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by adaptability, adjustability, coordination, cooperation, partnership, receptivity, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplo macy, and patience as well as the ability to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Some may find themselves focusing on their home life and their parents, especially their mother. Some may deal with the public this year. Health-wise, your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team.

Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.

Personal Year 3

You are entering the third year of your nine-year personal cycle. This year your focus is on your own interests, needs, and desires. A 3-Personal-Year has the potential for bringing about fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This year emphasizes the productive use of your skills and talents and the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. Creativity, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted this year. You may get involved with the arts, music, acting, or teaching. The 3-Personal-Year is about the joys of living, the pleasures of life, enjoyment, and entertainment. It is easy to be overly extravagant during this year so it is important to set some limits.

The 3-Personal-Year is usually a year filled with social activity. You will find that your interests flow harmoniously with the people in your life. Relationships, shared pleasures, and affection are emphasized. Friends and companions abound. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. This year can bring many brief flirtations as well as serious romances. There may be a tendency to go overboard, so it is important that you choose your associates and social affairs carefully. Vocationally, work and career go well, possible promotions as long as you pull yourself away from your social life to get your work done. The 3-Personal-Year is often an important financial year, a good time to accumulate money, property, and riches. Be sure to set reasonable limits on your spending.

Personal Year 4

You are entering the fourth year of your nine-year-personal-cycle. This year is often the most active and challenging year of the entire cycle. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power. Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, discipline, concentration, patience, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, sustained effort, perseverance, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome restrictions, limitations and roadblocks.

Your responsibilities will increase, and your skills and self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. However, you may be presented with relationship problems, possibly due to neglect. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping. Also, keep your health in mind. Don't let working, or over-working, wear you out.

Personal Year 5

You are entering your 5-Personal-Year, the middle or midpoint of your nine-year personal cycle. Your 5-Personal-Year is a year of changes and a reprieve from some pressures and responsibilities. Your first four years were years of discovering, building, adding to yourself new traits, talents, and abilities as well as extending yourself into the material world in new ways. What you have developed over the last four year will now serve as the basis or foundation for expressing yourself in the world and sharing what you have with your friends, family, community, society, or culture. The 5-Personal-Year brings a change of pace and attitude and represents a turning point in consciousness. This is the year of creative transformation and the expression of true individuality, a year for the expression of your creativity and unique talents. A 5-Personal-Year brings a variety of new opportunities, new people, and new situations. Flexibility is important. You may feel more spontaneou s and enthusiastic, or even excessively restless.

You desire the freedom to express yourself in new ways. A 5-Personal-Year can bring new ideas, mind expansion, traveling, and/or an interest in sports, games, or the great outdoors. The task for the 5-Personal-Year is to embrace the new without abandoning the foundations you established last year. This year can be favorable for career, finances, and relationships if you can integrate the new with the old.

Personal Year 6

You are entering your 6-Personal-Year. This is a year during which you can begin to concentrate on what you have at hand. During your 6-personal-year, you return to the structures you built and the issues you faced during your 4-Personal-Year�home, family, love, relationships, career�but minus struggling with the challenges and the confrontations of the 4-Personal-Year. During your 6-Personal-Year you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors and the foundations established two years early. The 6-Personal-Year is a time for enjoying an atmosphere of harmony, relationships, productivity, and success. You will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, home, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously.

This is a year of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. While you will be making the most of whatever you have already accomplished, you will also be able to make the most of new opportunities. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do your interpersonal relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. This is a good month for marriage and weddings in general.

Personal Year 7

You are entering your 7-Personal-Year. The number 7 symbolizes sacred cosmic processes and the number of all physical life. You may become unusually aware of your destiny, fate, and the cosmic processes at work in your life. The 7-Personal-Year may also bring with it the unpredictable and the irrational. You, or someone close to you, may feel compelled to act in certain ways. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. The 7-Personal-Year is a year during which many people enter some degree of seclusion. This is a good time to withdraw from the outer world and to focus on the meaning of your life as experienced during the past six years. You should analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. It is a time for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. Your intuition may become usually active a nd sharp. Your thoughts turn towards self-improvement, idealism, perfectionism, and spirituality. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp.

You could become interested in reading about and studying philosophy, religion, or metaphysics. You could even specialize in some form of esoteric studies. This is the year to discover your inner light, or, if the inner light is already a part of your life, to develop a deeper connection with it. You should find solutions and make important decisions this year.

Personal Year 8

You are entering your 8-Personal-Year. The pace of the 8-Personal-Year is a highly accelerated one. The challenges of living in the material world may occupy all your time and energy. This year you are required to test out your personal beliefs and philosophies in the material world. In addition to testing your beliefs this year, you will be reaping the results of your last 1-Personal-Yearpersonal-year. You will be required to further the ideas, plans, and activities that you began eight years ago. During the 1-Personal-Year you were free to try out new ideas and behaviors without much input from your environment. During your 8-Personal-Year you will meet both expected and unexpected challenges to your plans and activities. The 8-Personal-Year-year is often the most active, energetic, and dynamic year of the nine-year cycle. You will have abundant energy and determination to accomplish your goals this year. You may not have been aware of this great internal power until now . People, institutions, and other environmental obstacles will force you to tap into inner resources that you never knew you had. You will need to be organized and efficient. Planning, drive, detachment, and good judgment will be helpful.

Potentially, this year offers opportunities for advancement, promotions, leadership, material accomplishment, and financial gain. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. Expect to broaden your comprehension and transcend previous limitations. This year is not particularly favorable for interpersonal relationships, so you will need to be especially sensitive and compassionate in those relationships that you value.

Personal Year 9

You are entering your 9-Personal-Year. This year is the final one of this nine-year cycle. Endings, completion, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this year. From the concerns, affairs, and business of the past eight years�certain relationships, interpersonal situations, vocational matters, and emotional issues�will conclude during this year. It is important that you let this process complete itself without interference. You will need to finish projects and goals of the cycle that is closing. Some friendships and associations will fall by the wayside. Let go of what has become useless and outgrown. Anxiety, fear, sadness, and other forms of resistance to change are natural reactions to the events of the 9-Personal-Year. Accept and honor whatever feelings you may be experiencing, but do your best to let go of whatever is leaving your life this year. Some losses will be gradual, others sudden. Allow yourself to grieve in your own way and at your own pace. There is no wrong way to grieve or say goodbye. It is vital to complete this process so that you will have room in your heart and life for the new blessings to come next year.

The good to come during your 1-Personal-Year depends on your ability to let go and forgive. It is also important that you give thanks for and appreciate whatever is leaving your life during your 9-Personal-Year. Cultivating a universal outlook and grasping a sense of eternity will be helpful. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. Before this year is finished, you may become aware to some degree of the nature and direction of your next nine-year cycle. Since each new cycle builds on the foundations provided by the previous cycles, it is highly unlikely that everyone and everything in your life will be lost. Much of your past will continue with you into your new 1-Personal-Year.

Personal Year 11

You are entering an 11-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year it is important that you follow your hunches, your inspiration, and your intuition. Your emotions are highly sensitized, and your intellect is sharp. You can be unusually open to new ideas, visions, and revelations. This can be a year of consciousness expansion or possibly an increased interest in the arts. At the physical level, you can be creative and inventive. Work with science, computers, telephones, cell phones, aviation, space travel, electricity, radiation, and magnetism can be beneficial to you. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. This can be a year of illumination and self-discovery. Idealism, religion, mysticism, and spirituality figure prominently. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Much is nebulous or intangible this year. It is important to s tay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this year. For some, this year can lead to increased fame if there are other indications.

If you do not pursue the vibrations of the number 11 and make them a priority, the 11-Personal-Year becomes a 2-Personal-Year. If the 11 becomes a 2, this year will bring an increasing awareness and understanding of other people. These others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by coordination, cooperation, partnership, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplomacy, and patience as well as the a bility to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team. Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.

Personal Year 22

You are entering a 22-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year is potentially a year of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. During a 22-Personal-Year you have opportunities to reach your highest goals and ideals. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical realizations. It is possible to achieve your goals and accomplish great things this year. The 22-Personal-Year is a year of destiny during which you have generous and abundant opportunities to work with your karmaphalas (the results of previous acts {karma}) both good/pleasant and bad/unpleasant. The secret for making the most of this year is to keep in mind that your actions should be performed while keeping the good of society or of all humanity in mind. You should view yourself as an agent of change and as someone who can make personal sacrifices from whi ch the world will benefit. You may embody the ideals, needs, and concerns of specific groups or communities. Even so, you will probably have to act on your own. You may even experience yourself as independent and possibly alone. While it is unlikely that you can completely abandon the demands of the ego, you need to keep the universal good foremost in your thoughts.

If you use the energies of your 22-Personal-Year predominately for your personal gain, the 22 will convert to a 4. As a 4-Personal-Year, this year will be a very active one with many challenges. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power.

Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome limitations and roadblocks. Your responsibilities will increase, and your self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. You may be presented with relationship problems. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping.

Personal Months and Personal Days

In addition to Personal Years, we can also determine the numerological influences of months and days as they relate to our birthdays. Numerologically, we experience nine-month cycles and nine-day cycles. Within the nine-year-cycles there are nine-month-cycles, and within the nine-month-cycles there are nine-day-cycles. These are our Personal Months and Personal Days. The number values of our Personal Months and Personal Days describe what we can expect during any given month or on any given day. Each Personal Month and Personal Day is part of a cycle of nine, and each has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Month describes how best to approach activities during the month as well as how to make the most of your Personal Year vibrations during that particular month. Each Personal Day describes the influences of any particular day and, like Personal Months, they should be interpreted in the context of the Personal Month. Like Personal Years, the influences of the Pers onal Months and Personal Days trump the influences of the Universal Months and Universal Days.

Calculating Your Personal Month

Like Personal Years, Personal Months and Personal Days are simple to calculate. In addition to the numbers 1 through 9, I use the master numbers 11 and 22. To find your Personal Month Number, add the current or Universal Month Number to your Personal Year Number.

For example, let's assume (again) that you were born April 20, 1986 and the current date is January 3, 2011. Your Personal Year Number is 9 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 20 + 4 + 2011 = 1). The current or Universal Month Number is January, the 1st month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 1 + 1 = 2. Your Personal Month Number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2011
Universal Month: January (the 1st month)
Personal Year: 1
Personal Month: 1 + 1 = 2
The Personal Month number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).

Let's do another (again).

Birthdate: May 13, 1973
Universal Date: August 11, 2010
Universal Month: August (the 8th month)
Personal Year: 3
Personal Month: 3 + 8 = 11

To find your Personal Month, add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 3 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 13 + 5 + 2010 = 3). The Universal Month is August, the 8th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 8 + 3 = 11.

Your Personal Month number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Month).

Let's do another.

Birthdate: December 18, 2001
Current Year: November 28, 2009
Birth Day: 18
Birth Month: December
Personal Year: 12 + 18 + 2009 = 5
Universal Month: November (the 11th month)
Personal Month: 11 + 5 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

Add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 5 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 18 + 12 + 2009 = 5). The Universal Month is November, the 11th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 11 + 5 = 16. Reduce to a single digit or master number. 16 = 1 + 6 = 7.

Your Personal Month number is 7 (written 7-Personal-Month).

Meanings of the Personal Month

Personal Month 1

A 1-Personal-Month is the month for new beginnings�a perfect time to begin a new project, make a fresh start, or try on a new attitude. If you have been putting off starting a new job, taking a new class, or joining a gym, this is the time to stop thinking and start doing. This month emphasizes independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Develop new skills and talents, invest in yourself, and follow your dreams. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities. This month gives you opportunities to demonstrate action, creativity, and originality. Some may be called on to act in a leadership capacity. This month usually brings with it good health and a high energy level.

Personal Month 2

This month emphasizes an increasing awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Adaptability, adjustment, cooperation, diplomacy, and receptivity will further your interests. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. Some may find need to give their attention to their home or parents, especially your mother or maternal figures. Some may need to address the public about a concern or project. This month does not favor personal concerns, but it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level.

Personal Month 3

The 3-Personal-Month brings with it the potential for fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This could be a very social month for you�dates, parties, social gatherings, and group activities. Relationships and shared pleasures are characteristic of this month. Friends, partners, lovers, spouses, and fiancs as well as more casual acquaintances are emphasized. You may find yourself feeling more sociable and outgoing than usual. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. Creativity, affection, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted. Some of your dreams and ambitions may be fulfilled this month. You may get involved with the arts, music, or acting, or develop new skills and talents. Romance and finances are favored during a 3-Personal-Month.

Personal Month 4

A 4-Personal-Month is typically a busy one. You should give some form of concrete expression to your dreams, hopes, and wishes. This is a month of actions, challenges, restrictions, and obstacles, and it requires concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details. Some form of crisis may push you to overcome personal limitations. This is a month of creative tension and possible confrontations. You could be challenged in one or more major life-arenas�home, health, relationships, work, or finances. Your responsibilities may increase temporarily, and your self-confidence may waver at times. Budgets and schedules may be helpful. If you put forth the effort to meet these challenges, you have much to gain this month and your sense of personal power will increase. However, be kind to your body and don't overwork. Good health is essential to getting the most out of this month.

Personal Month 5

A 5-Personal-Month releases you from the responsibilities, challenges, and struggles of the previous month. The pace of this month is rapid and largely unencumbered. This month brings change, excitement, enthusiasm, novelty, spontaneity, and variety with a pinch of restlessness. There are new opportunities to investigate, new people to meet, and new freedoms to experience. Expect the unexpected. Flexibility is an important prerequisite to getting the most out of this month, much less make progress. A 5-Personal-Month is for traveling and for taking chances. You can express yourself in a more unique and creative manner. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions may not be accepted immediately by others. This is a good month to promote yourself. Follow the new, but don't abandon the old. Try to temper any extremes with a little moderation. Career, finances, and relationships will benefit if you integrate the new with the old.

Personal Month 6

A successful and satisfactory 6-Personal-Month depends on the structures you built and the issues you faced during the 4-Personal-Month�family, home, love, career, finances, community. These issues return, but instead of the struggles, challenges, and confrontations of the 4-Personal-Month, you will receive the fruits of your actions during the 4-Personal Month. What was built or what was faced during the 4-Personal-Month bears fruit. The 6-Personal-Month is a time for enjoying your success, productivity, relationships, and harmony. This is a month of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. A 6-Personal-Month is much like the 3-Personal-Month�you will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously. New opportunities may sprout from what you have already accomplished. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do interpersonal relationships. This is a good month for domestic conditions, marriage, and weddings.

Personal Month 7

Your 7-Personal-Month is a time for withdrawing from outer activities. It is a month for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. During your 7-Personal-Month you step back from all that you have accomplished during the previous six months. It is a time to analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and to develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. Some may maintain some degree of seclusion. There may be an interest in studying, reading, or specializing in some esoteric subject. The 7-Personal-Month can be a quiet time during which you may turn your thoughts towards self-improvement, idealism, and perfectionism. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp. This is a month for spirituality and religious concerns. You may find solutions and make important decisions this month.

Personal Month 8

Your 8-Personal-Month is the month for acting on the thoughts, ideas, and philosophies that you developed last month. You are testing the validity of the personal discoveries you made during your previous 7-Personal-Month. Many people are unaware that they are trying to actualize their new ideals. They are consciously aware that this month is one of intense, dynamic activity. You may need and desire to take specific actions which will further your goals. Your actions may be unusually individualistic, and you may display great vision, deep insights, and increased personal power. This month may emphasize money, finances, and material needs as well as advancements, promotions, and leadership. The 8-Personal-Month can be one of energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. You will need to be organized and efficient. Your interests are expanded, obstacles are overcome, and limitations are transcended. Broad comprehension and good judgment can lead to expanding business opportunities, making new investments, and signing favorable contracts. Enterprises and work involving corporations are favored. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. This can be a good month for career and finances. It does not usually favor intimate relationships.

Personal Month 9

The 9-Personal-Month is a good time for completing projects and endeavors of all types. This is not the month to start anything new. Endings, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this month. It is a month for subjective progress and growth and for the elimination of what is no longer useful. It is a good time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. The 9-Personal-Month can be one of spiritual understanding and Self-realization. This may be a time of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. It is possible that a relationship may end during a 9-Personal-Month, or some similar loss may result in grief or sorrow. Your own energy level may not be as high as you desire.

Personal Month 11

The 11-Personal-Month can be one of great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Spiritually, this month emphasizes idealism, religion, mysticism, renunciation, and illumination. Your intuition and psychic perception may be heightened during this month. On a material level, this month favors invention and technical genius. You may be benefited by science, electricity, radiation, magnetism, aviation, space travel, computers, telephones and cell phones during an 11-Personal-Month. An 11-Personal-Month can also manifest as a 2-Personal-Month, emphasizing an awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Tact, diplomacy, and cooperation will further you r interests. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. While this month does not favor personal concerns, it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level. Much is nebulous and intangible this month. It is important to stay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this you. For some, this month can lead to increased fame if other facts are in place.

Personal Month 22

The 22-Personal-Month can be one during which you can achieve your highest goals and actualize your highest ideals. This month is potentially a month of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. You may be able to demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical creations. Projects undertaken during this month can bring about wide-scale improvements, possibly having regional, national, or even international consequences. The secret for making the most of this month is to keep in mind that your actions are to be performed for the good of specific groups, communities, or societies. It is possible that some of your actions are for the benefit of all humanity. Taking time to meditate or to develop your intuition is necessary in order to manifest the best of a 22-Personal-Month. If you do not hold yourself to the highest standards, your 22-Personal-Month will function as a 4-Personal-Month. If this is so, you can expect challenges, restrictions, and obstacles to overcome. Concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details will be important.

Calculating Your Personal Day

To find your Personal Day number, add the current or Universal Day to your Personal Month number and reduce the result to a single digit or master number. We will use the examples above. If you were born April 20, 1986 and the Universal Date: January 3, 2008. Your Personal Month is 8 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 1 + 7 = 8). The Universal Day is the 3rd. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 3 + 8 = 11.

Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2008
Universal Day: 3
Personal Month: 8
Personal Day: 3 + 8 = 11

Your Personal Day number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Day).

Let's do another (again).

Birthdate: May 13, 1996
Universal Date: October 10, 2011
Personal Year: 05 + 13 + 2011 = 22
Personal Month: 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5
Universal Day: 10
Personal Day: 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

If you were born May 13, 1996 and the Universal Date: July 10, 2011. Your Personal Month is 5 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5). The Universal Day is the 10th. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. Your Personal Day number is 6 (written 6-Personal-Day).

Meanings of the Personal Day

Personal Day 1

A day to promote your interests and accentuate your individuality. You may have an increased sense of well-being. A day to be assertive, original, and spontaneous. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities, start something new.

Personal Day 2

A day that emphasizes significant relationships and increases your awareness of the needs and desires of others. You gain the most by being part of a couple or a team. This can be a favorable time for romance. Competition or confrontations are possible. Express yourself with tact and diplomacy. Balance assertion and individuality with patience and cooperation.

Personal Day�3

A pleasant day and a good time for self-expression, creativity, and communication. This day is favorable time for socializing, entertaining, and enjoying the company of others. Today could bring joy, fulfillment, and happiness. Good for romance, taking chances, and financial gain.

Personal Day�4

Today emphasizes the practical and constructive sides of life. It is a day for building a solid foundation. A day that requires work, drive, organization, and scheduling. The use of energy or force to overcome an obstacle.

Personal Day�5

A change of pace and attitude. Transform any excessive, restless energy into creative insights, new ideas, mind expansion, travel, sports, or games. A time for changes, for the expression of personal freedom, for spontaneity, new opportunities, and going with the flow. Feelings of enthusiasm for life and a temporary, but well-deserved escape from responsibilities.

Personal Day�6

A day to return to your responsibilities. This day can be a very productive one. Success comes from a combination of skillful effort and available resources. Family, home, community, health, service, food, and everyday luxuries are emphasized.

Personal Day�7

Take time for yourself away from social engagements and most everyday activities. A day to withdraw, read a book, or meditate. This day stresses quietude, introspection, self-improvement, religious concerns, ideals, and spirituality.

Personal Day�8

Today is a day for energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. Goals are reached; obstacles overcome. This day emphasizes finances, money, investments, business, enterprise, and corporations. Good judgment can lead to signing favorable contracts, making wise investments, and expanding business opportunities.

Personal Day�9

A good day to complete projects and similar endeavors. A day of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. Possibly the ending of a relationship. Loss or sorrow. A time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love.

Personal Day�11

A day with great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Today emphasizes idealism, intuition, and illumination. This day favors invention and technical genius on the material plane and psychic perception on the spiritual plane.

Personal Day�22

This is a day for actualizing your highest goals and ideals. A time for taking action in order to accomplish your plans. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism successfully.


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