2011年10月16日 星期日

Dahn Yoga Helps Relieve Chronic, Painful Diseases

What do you do when you have a chronic disease, feel pain nearly all the time, try various treatments, and get little relief from your symptoms?

For an increasing number of people in the United States and around the world, the last-resort answer is the holistic fitness training provided by the Dahn Yoga & Health Centers. Dahn Yoga consists of holistic health and brain education in the form of energy-training programs to individuals, families and communities. Dahn Yoga offers a wide range of innovative, highly effective preventive and restorative approaches, through its regular classes, special workshops and individual energy healing sessions.

Here is the case of Sylvia, in her 70s and living in the Midwest. She faced a chronic disease, which had defied for years any positive response to a variety of treatments. As she explains her initial condition, "In 2000. I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, a painful and chronic disease of the bladder. I had been suffering with symptoms for five years, and was relieved to finally know what was wrong with me. The problem was that this condition is very difficult to treat; there is not one treatment that works for everyone. In the years to follow my diagnosis, I tried many medications and therapies. Though some of these helped, I was not able to find something that consistently helped with the pain I was experiencing. I had to take a year off from work, and then went back on a part-time basis."

When Sylvia discovered Dahn Yoga, her hope of meaningful relief and a normal life again returned. According to her, "In 2006, I joined a Dahn Yoga center. I really didn�t know much about Dahn Yoga, but was looking for a way to exercise and hopefully improve my health. I was skeptical at first by the glowing reports of restored health I heard from other members, but I started taking classes regularly and scheduled private energy healing sessions".

"When I started doing Dahn Yoga, I was taking a pain medication every morning, and sometimes again later in the afternoon. It was the only way that I could get through the day. I spent much of my free time lying on the couch with a heating pad on my abdomen".

"In the first few week of my Dahn Yoga classes, I experienced the first signs that my condition could improve. I found that if I had pain at the beginning of class, it would be virtually gone when the class was over. I learned to accept my pain and to relax my body. I became aware of habits and negative emotions that were adversely affecting my health. After a few weeks of Dahn Yoga, I felt myself becoming stronger, both physically and emotionally. When I did have pain, I was able to work through it.

Eventually I attended the Dahn Healing System training and the intensive Tao Holistic Healing Program, both held at the Sedona Mago Retreat Center, in Northern Arizona.

"My health condition got much better, and still continues to improve on a daily basis. I no longer need any pain medication regularly. In fact, I have seldom taken any painkillers during the past year. Friends and family have commented on the changes that they see in me. I am now a healthier and happier person than I was even before being diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis. I truly feel calmer, centered, focused and better able to handle the inevitable problems that I encounter. My disease is not cured, but my condition no longer dominates and distorts my life. Dahn Yoga has helped to improve my health and my life in ways that I could only imagine before beginning this journey!"

Dahn (bright energy in Korean) is the symbolic manifestation of the sun rising at dawn, with its inexhaustible source of vitality. Dahn Yoga�s basic approach is to expand Ki-energy (core life vitality). In the model of Oriental health, energy affects the quality of the body (health, strength, flexibility and healing), mind (concentration, clarity, creativity and calmness), and spirit (meaning, purpose, vision and peace). Dahn Yoga is the modernized version of traditional Korean body-mind practices that go back more than 5,000 years. Ilchi Lee developed it, 30 years ago, as an expression of his vision of humanity enjoying health, happiness and peace.

Through the 600 Dahn centers worldwide � with 120 in 15 United States metropolitan areas � around a million people use its programs and methods every day.


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