2011年10月20日 星期四

Policy Documents required for Louisiana Health Insurance

Those who are considering purchasing Louisiana health insurance for short term as well as long term are in for some good news. This is because health insurances, by their very nature, allow you as a policy holder to avoid the queues for approaching the consultants right away for receiving good quality and that too in a faster duration. While investing in any kind of Louisiana health insurance, you should be well aware of the fact that all the policies are different and this is the reason why you should thoroughly go through the terms and conditions before agreeing to their clauses.

Things to Consider while Investing in a Health Insurance Policy in Louisiana

Chronic conditions: There may be certain kinds of chronic conditions. For example, in case you are ill, but the illness is such that it is a curable one, especially during the short range phase, it is known as 'acute' illness. In this case, you will be granted coverage by your Louisiana health insu rance policy. On the contrary, however, if the illness is non curable or terminal, or if it is chronic which means it is likely to be treated, but the treatment will take time, you will not be covered with the health insurance policy in Louisiana.

Often, the thin line of demarcation between 'acute' and 'chronic' illnesses is a point of contention between the policy holder and the insurer. Let us take asthma and diabetes into consideration. These are chronic illnesses and this means they cannot be cured. They are there with you throughout their life. The same goes for certain kinds of cancer that cannot be classified. In this case, it is for the doctors to decide on the fact as to whether the particular form of cancer can be cured or not. However, in that case, there is still the possibility that the disease could go worse and diagnosis could become incurable.

The implication is that as long as the ailment may be curable, you should make the maximum out of your policy coverage. However, in case the diagnosis deems the illness as an incurable one, you are likely to lose your cover. The insurance companies in Louisiana have this right of reclassifying an disease from severe to continual during the procedure of cure.

Long term healing options: Those who are considering the alternative of going for a long term healing for their illness should be discouraged as the health insurance benefits this way are not much. Whatever the case, you need to check in with the documents that are specified to be produced for your insurance policy. Here, you can find an elaboration of the term 'long term' and proceed accordingly. This will help you determine whether your type of illness falls within the scope of the medical insurance.

Preventive medicine: Health insurance policies in Louisiana cannot be utilized for procuring for costs for preventive treatment. It only covers the cure and treatment of your conditions. The te rm 'preventive' is also contradictory among the insurance companies, as certain preventive drugs reduce the chances of ailment.


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