Your Personal Cycles
How to Make the Most of Your Personal Years, Months, and Days
What will this day be like? I wonder.
What will my future be? I wonder.
Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II
This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Man's days are determined; you have decreed
the number of his months and have set
limits he cannot exceed.
Job 14:5
The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.
Everyone is affected by the Universal Year, Universal Month, and Universal Day to some degree. Each of us is also influenced by our Personal Year, our Personal Month, and our Personal Day. The influences of the Personal Years, Months, and Days normally dominate the influences of the Universal Years, Months, and Days. When our Personal Years, Months, and Days are compatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are strengthened. When they are incompatible with the Universal Years, Months, and Days, their influences are weakened.
Your Personal Year
The Personal Year is one of several methods used in numerology for forecasting future trends and is probably one of numerology's most powerful predictive tools. Personal Years, like Universal Years, come in nine-year cycles. Each nine-year cycle has a beginning and an ending and seven years of development in between. Each year of any nine-year cycle has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Year offers opportunities to develop new skills and talents that are in harmony with the Personal Year's number. The Personal Year number indicates the numerological vibration for each year of the nine-year-cycle. The numerological vibration of the Personal Year describes the best way to approach that particular year. For example, if you are in a 1-Personal-Year, you are in a year of new beginnings, characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. You should focus is on yourself and your personal aspirations.
The Personal Year is simple to calculate and only a little more difficult to interpret. To determine the numerical vibration of any Personal Year, all you need is the day and month of birth and the current year. As with Universal Years, I use the master numbers 11 and 22 when interpreting Personal Years.
To calculate your Personal Year, add your birth day (not birthdate!) plus your birth month and the current calendar year (Universal Year). For example, let's assume you were born April 20, 1986 and the current year is 2010. Your birth day is 20, and your month is April, the 4th month of the year. Your birth month is simplified by adding the one or two digits�0 and 4�together. 0 + 4 = 4. Your birth day is simplified by adding the one or two digits�2 and 0�together. 2 + 0 = 2. Add the number of your birth day to the number of your birth month. 2 + 4 = 6. Add the four digits of the current year�2010�together. 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3. Add the number of the current year to the sum of the birth day and the birth month: 6 + 3 = 9.
Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Birth Month: April (the 4th month)
Birth Day: 20
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
The Personal Year Number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).
Let's do another.
Birthdate: May 13, 1994
Birth Month: May (the 5th month)
Birth Day: 13
Birth Year: 1986
Current Year: 2011
Birth Month: 0 + 5 = 5
Birth Day: 1 + 3 = 4
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 4
Sum: 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
The Personal Year Number is 4 (written 4-Personal-Year).
Let's do one more.
Birthdate: October 25, 1963
Birth Month: October (the 10th month)
Birth Day: 25
Birth Year: 1963
Current Year: 2009
Birth Month: 1 + 0 = 1
Birth Day: 2 + 5 = 7
Current Year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11
Sum: 1 + 7 + 11 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
The Personal Year number is 1 (written 1-Personal-Year).
Personal Year 1
This year marks the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. It is a year of new beginnings, a year characterized by independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. You may use this year to develop new skills and talents, launch new projects, pursue your aspirations, and focus on self-development. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Over these next twelve months you will be presented with what may seem to be an unending flow of new ideas, feelings, opportunities, and relationships.
Each new experience will give way to another. During the first six months, let the stream flow. Don't be too quick to hold on to any one idea or experience. During the last half of the year you will need to start making choices as to what you want to develop more fully. Don't be surprised if you find it difficult to stick to any one thing for very long. What you start this year will unfold over the following eight years. Choose wisely, though, because, in one way or another, the choices you make this year will serve as the foundation for the rest of this cycle. You may find this year to be one of increased vitality and subjectivity, strength and self-centeredness.
Some may display leadership skills and find themselves working with a degree of power and authority. In general, your health will be good, and you may feel more energized and lively than you have felt in a long time. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working along.
Interpersonally, some people may perceive you as being standoffish or conceited this year. This is the year to develop self-reliance, initiative, and a healthy sense of self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem will help you may avoid the feelings and traps of both inferiority and superiority, either of which could sabotage the purpose of this year.
Personal Year 2
You are entering the second year of your nine-year personal cycle. During this year your focus is on others, especially those people who are most important to you. Your awareness and understanding of others grow this year. Those others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by adaptability, adjustability, coordination, cooperation, partnership, receptivity, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplo macy, and patience as well as the ability to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Some may find themselves focusing on their home life and their parents, especially their mother. Some may deal with the public this year. Health-wise, your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team.
Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.
Personal Year 3
You are entering the third year of your nine-year personal cycle. This year your focus is on your own interests, needs, and desires. A 3-Personal-Year has the potential for bringing about fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This year emphasizes the productive use of your skills and talents and the fulfillment of your dreams and ambitions. Creativity, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted this year. You may get involved with the arts, music, acting, or teaching. The 3-Personal-Year is about the joys of living, the pleasures of life, enjoyment, and entertainment. It is easy to be overly extravagant during this year so it is important to set some limits.
The 3-Personal-Year is usually a year filled with social activity. You will find that your interests flow harmoniously with the people in your life. Relationships, shared pleasures, and affection are emphasized. Friends and companions abound. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. This year can bring many brief flirtations as well as serious romances. There may be a tendency to go overboard, so it is important that you choose your associates and social affairs carefully. Vocationally, work and career go well, possible promotions as long as you pull yourself away from your social life to get your work done. The 3-Personal-Year is often an important financial year, a good time to accumulate money, property, and riches. Be sure to set reasonable limits on your spending.
Personal Year 4
You are entering the fourth year of your nine-year-personal-cycle. This year is often the most active and challenging year of the entire cycle. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power. Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, discipline, concentration, patience, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, sustained effort, perseverance, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome restrictions, limitations and roadblocks.
Your responsibilities will increase, and your skills and self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. However, you may be presented with relationship problems, possibly due to neglect. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping. Also, keep your health in mind. Don't let working, or over-working, wear you out.
Personal Year 5
You are entering your 5-Personal-Year, the middle or midpoint of your nine-year personal cycle. Your 5-Personal-Year is a year of changes and a reprieve from some pressures and responsibilities. Your first four years were years of discovering, building, adding to yourself new traits, talents, and abilities as well as extending yourself into the material world in new ways. What you have developed over the last four year will now serve as the basis or foundation for expressing yourself in the world and sharing what you have with your friends, family, community, society, or culture. The 5-Personal-Year brings a change of pace and attitude and represents a turning point in consciousness. This is the year of creative transformation and the expression of true individuality, a year for the expression of your creativity and unique talents. A 5-Personal-Year brings a variety of new opportunities, new people, and new situations. Flexibility is important. You may feel more spontaneou s and enthusiastic, or even excessively restless.
You desire the freedom to express yourself in new ways. A 5-Personal-Year can bring new ideas, mind expansion, traveling, and/or an interest in sports, games, or the great outdoors. The task for the 5-Personal-Year is to embrace the new without abandoning the foundations you established last year. This year can be favorable for career, finances, and relationships if you can integrate the new with the old.
Personal Year 6
You are entering your 6-Personal-Year. This is a year during which you can begin to concentrate on what you have at hand. During your 6-personal-year, you return to the structures you built and the issues you faced during your 4-Personal-Year�home, family, love, relationships, career�but minus struggling with the challenges and the confrontations of the 4-Personal-Year. During your 6-Personal-Year you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors and the foundations established two years early. The 6-Personal-Year is a time for enjoying an atmosphere of harmony, relationships, productivity, and success. You will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, home, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously.
This is a year of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. While you will be making the most of whatever you have already accomplished, you will also be able to make the most of new opportunities. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do your interpersonal relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. This is a good month for marriage and weddings in general.
Personal Year 7
You are entering your 7-Personal-Year. The number 7 symbolizes sacred cosmic processes and the number of all physical life. You may become unusually aware of your destiny, fate, and the cosmic processes at work in your life. The 7-Personal-Year may also bring with it the unpredictable and the irrational. You, or someone close to you, may feel compelled to act in certain ways. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. The 7-Personal-Year is a year during which many people enter some degree of seclusion. This is a good time to withdraw from the outer world and to focus on the meaning of your life as experienced during the past six years. You should analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. It is a time for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. Your intuition may become usually active a nd sharp. Your thoughts turn towards self-improvement, idealism, perfectionism, and spirituality. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp.
You could become interested in reading about and studying philosophy, religion, or metaphysics. You could even specialize in some form of esoteric studies. This is the year to discover your inner light, or, if the inner light is already a part of your life, to develop a deeper connection with it. You should find solutions and make important decisions this year.
Personal Year 8
You are entering your 8-Personal-Year. The pace of the 8-Personal-Year is a highly accelerated one. The challenges of living in the material world may occupy all your time and energy. This year you are required to test out your personal beliefs and philosophies in the material world. In addition to testing your beliefs this year, you will be reaping the results of your last 1-Personal-Yearpersonal-year. You will be required to further the ideas, plans, and activities that you began eight years ago. During the 1-Personal-Year you were free to try out new ideas and behaviors without much input from your environment. During your 8-Personal-Year you will meet both expected and unexpected challenges to your plans and activities. The 8-Personal-Year-year is often the most active, energetic, and dynamic year of the nine-year cycle. You will have abundant energy and determination to accomplish your goals this year. You may not have been aware of this great internal power until now . People, institutions, and other environmental obstacles will force you to tap into inner resources that you never knew you had. You will need to be organized and efficient. Planning, drive, detachment, and good judgment will be helpful.
Potentially, this year offers opportunities for advancement, promotions, leadership, material accomplishment, and financial gain. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. Expect to broaden your comprehension and transcend previous limitations. This year is not particularly favorable for interpersonal relationships, so you will need to be especially sensitive and compassionate in those relationships that you value.
Personal Year 9
You are entering your 9-Personal-Year. This year is the final one of this nine-year cycle. Endings, completion, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this year. From the concerns, affairs, and business of the past eight years�certain relationships, interpersonal situations, vocational matters, and emotional issues�will conclude during this year. It is important that you let this process complete itself without interference. You will need to finish projects and goals of the cycle that is closing. Some friendships and associations will fall by the wayside. Let go of what has become useless and outgrown. Anxiety, fear, sadness, and other forms of resistance to change are natural reactions to the events of the 9-Personal-Year. Accept and honor whatever feelings you may be experiencing, but do your best to let go of whatever is leaving your life this year. Some losses will be gradual, others sudden. Allow yourself to grieve in your own way and at your own pace. There is no wrong way to grieve or say goodbye. It is vital to complete this process so that you will have room in your heart and life for the new blessings to come next year.
The good to come during your 1-Personal-Year depends on your ability to let go and forgive. It is also important that you give thanks for and appreciate whatever is leaving your life during your 9-Personal-Year. Cultivating a universal outlook and grasping a sense of eternity will be helpful. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. Before this year is finished, you may become aware to some degree of the nature and direction of your next nine-year cycle. Since each new cycle builds on the foundations provided by the previous cycles, it is highly unlikely that everyone and everything in your life will be lost. Much of your past will continue with you into your new 1-Personal-Year.
Personal Year 11
You are entering an 11-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year it is important that you follow your hunches, your inspiration, and your intuition. Your emotions are highly sensitized, and your intellect is sharp. You can be unusually open to new ideas, visions, and revelations. This can be a year of consciousness expansion or possibly an increased interest in the arts. At the physical level, you can be creative and inventive. Work with science, computers, telephones, cell phones, aviation, space travel, electricity, radiation, and magnetism can be beneficial to you. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. This can be a year of illumination and self-discovery. Idealism, religion, mysticism, and spirituality figure prominently. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Much is nebulous or intangible this year. It is important to s tay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this year. For some, this year can lead to increased fame if there are other indications.
If you do not pursue the vibrations of the number 11 and make them a priority, the 11-Personal-Year becomes a 2-Personal-Year. If the 11 becomes a 2, this year will bring an increasing awareness and understanding of other people. These others include both friends and lovers as well as competitors and enemies. This year emphasizes relationships of all types and is characterized by coordination, cooperation, partnership, harmony, and union. Competition, rivalry, and confrontation are also part of a 2-Personal-Year. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. In order to get your needs met and your desires fulfilled, you will need to take into consideration the needs, desires, and motivations of others. If you fail to take the time to understand the inner workings of other people, you will find yourself on a path of loneliness and suspicion over the next seven years. This year emphasizes the development of tact, diplomacy, and patience as well as the a bility to take a supportive role in the background. Domestic affairs and issues of giving and receiving may be prominent this year. Your drive and vitality may not be as powerful as they were last year. Vocationally, you will do your best work when working with a partner or a team. Interpersonally, this is a year for establishing long-term relationships, both romantically and otherwise. Financially, a 2-Personal-Year is a slow, conservative year, a time to limit spending while focusing on accumulating resources.
Personal Year 22
You are entering a 22-Personal-Year, which can be one of the two master years. This year is potentially a year of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. During a 22-Personal-Year you have opportunities to reach your highest goals and ideals. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical realizations. It is possible to achieve your goals and accomplish great things this year. The 22-Personal-Year is a year of destiny during which you have generous and abundant opportunities to work with your karmaphalas (the results of previous acts {karma}) both good/pleasant and bad/unpleasant. The secret for making the most of this year is to keep in mind that your actions should be performed while keeping the good of society or of all humanity in mind. You should view yourself as an agent of change and as someone who can make personal sacrifices from whi ch the world will benefit. You may embody the ideals, needs, and concerns of specific groups or communities. Even so, you will probably have to act on your own. You may even experience yourself as independent and possibly alone. While it is unlikely that you can completely abandon the demands of the ego, you need to keep the universal good foremost in your thoughts.
If you use the energies of your 22-Personal-Year predominately for your personal gain, the 22 will convert to a 4. As a 4-Personal-Year, this year will be a very active one with many challenges. This year you will be required to give your ideas, dreams, and plans some form of concrete manifestation. You will be building a solid foundation that you will use during the next five years. Sometimes these foundations manifest as concerns involving home, family, real estate, property, or merchandise. This is a time to build a power base and consolidate your strength. This year brings with it confrontations, crises, creative tensions, and the use of personal power.
Very often there are a number of obstacles to be overcome in the process. A 4-Personal-Year demands hard work, intense drive, and, practical actions. Organization, attending to details, and following a schedule or budget will be necessary in order to overcome limitations and roadblocks. Your responsibilities will increase, and your self-confidence will be tested. If you put forth the effort to handle the situations that come at you this year, you will be well rewarded vocationally and financially. You may be presented with relationship problems. You will have to make good faith efforts in any relationship worth keeping.
Personal Months and Personal Days
In addition to Personal Years, we can also determine the numerological influences of months and days as they relate to our birthdays. Numerologically, we experience nine-month cycles and nine-day cycles. Within the nine-year-cycles there are nine-month-cycles, and within the nine-month-cycles there are nine-day-cycles. These are our Personal Months and Personal Days. The number values of our Personal Months and Personal Days describe what we can expect during any given month or on any given day. Each Personal Month and Personal Day is part of a cycle of nine, and each has its own particular vibration. Each Personal Month describes how best to approach activities during the month as well as how to make the most of your Personal Year vibrations during that particular month. Each Personal Day describes the influences of any particular day and, like Personal Months, they should be interpreted in the context of the Personal Month. Like Personal Years, the influences of the Pers onal Months and Personal Days trump the influences of the Universal Months and Universal Days.
Calculating Your Personal Month
Like Personal Years, Personal Months and Personal Days are simple to calculate. In addition to the numbers 1 through 9, I use the master numbers 11 and 22. To find your Personal Month Number, add the current or Universal Month Number to your Personal Year Number.
For example, let's assume (again) that you were born April 20, 1986 and the current date is January 3, 2011. Your Personal Year Number is 9 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 20 + 4 + 2011 = 1). The current or Universal Month Number is January, the 1st month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 1 + 1 = 2. Your Personal Month Number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).
Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2011
Universal Month: January (the 1st month)
Personal Year: 1
Personal Month: 1 + 1 = 2
The Personal Month number is 2 (written 2-Personal-Month).
Let's do another (again).
Birthdate: May 13, 1973
Universal Date: August 11, 2010
Universal Month: August (the 8th month)
Personal Year: 3
Personal Month: 3 + 8 = 11
To find your Personal Month, add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 3 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 13 + 5 + 2010 = 3). The Universal Month is August, the 8th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 8 + 3 = 11.
Your Personal Month number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Month).
Let's do another.
Birthdate: December 18, 2001
Current Year: November 28, 2009
Birth Day: 18
Birth Month: December
Personal Year: 12 + 18 + 2009 = 5
Universal Month: November (the 11th month)
Personal Month: 11 + 5 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7
Add the Universal Month to your Personal Year. Your Personal Year is 5 (Birth Day + Birth Month + Current Year = 18 + 12 + 2009 = 5). The Universal Month is November, the 11th month of the year. Add the number of the Universal Month to the number of your Personal Year. 11 + 5 = 16. Reduce to a single digit or master number. 16 = 1 + 6 = 7.
Your Personal Month number is 7 (written 7-Personal-Month).
Meanings of the Personal Month
Personal Month 1
A 1-Personal-Month is the month for new beginnings�a perfect time to begin a new project, make a fresh start, or try on a new attitude. If you have been putting off starting a new job, taking a new class, or joining a gym, this is the time to stop thinking and start doing. This month emphasizes independence, individuality, initiative, novelty, self-reliance, spontaneity, and variety. The focus is on you and your aspirations. Let your sense of selfhood (who you think you are) develop and expand as you face novel ideas and situations. Develop new skills and talents, invest in yourself, and follow your dreams. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities. This month gives you opportunities to demonstrate action, creativity, and originality. Some may be called on to act in a leadership capacity. This month usually brings with it good health and a high energy level.
Personal Month 2
This month emphasizes an increasing awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Adaptability, adjustment, cooperation, diplomacy, and receptivity will further your interests. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. Some may find need to give their attention to their home or parents, especially your mother or maternal figures. Some may need to address the public about a concern or project. This month does not favor personal concerns, but it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level.
Personal Month 3
The 3-Personal-Month brings with it the potential for fulfillment, happiness, and joy. This could be a very social month for you�dates, parties, social gatherings, and group activities. Relationships and shared pleasures are characteristic of this month. Friends, partners, lovers, spouses, and fiancs as well as more casual acquaintances are emphasized. You may find yourself feeling more sociable and outgoing than usual. Your energies and interests blend harmoniously with those around you. Creativity, affection, imagination, inspiration, and self-expression are highlighted. Some of your dreams and ambitions may be fulfilled this month. You may get involved with the arts, music, or acting, or develop new skills and talents. Romance and finances are favored during a 3-Personal-Month.
Personal Month 4
A 4-Personal-Month is typically a busy one. You should give some form of concrete expression to your dreams, hopes, and wishes. This is a month of actions, challenges, restrictions, and obstacles, and it requires concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details. Some form of crisis may push you to overcome personal limitations. This is a month of creative tension and possible confrontations. You could be challenged in one or more major life-arenas�home, health, relationships, work, or finances. Your responsibilities may increase temporarily, and your self-confidence may waver at times. Budgets and schedules may be helpful. If you put forth the effort to meet these challenges, you have much to gain this month and your sense of personal power will increase. However, be kind to your body and don't overwork. Good health is essential to getting the most out of this month.
Personal Month 5
A 5-Personal-Month releases you from the responsibilities, challenges, and struggles of the previous month. The pace of this month is rapid and largely unencumbered. This month brings change, excitement, enthusiasm, novelty, spontaneity, and variety with a pinch of restlessness. There are new opportunities to investigate, new people to meet, and new freedoms to experience. Expect the unexpected. Flexibility is an important prerequisite to getting the most out of this month, much less make progress. A 5-Personal-Month is for traveling and for taking chances. You can express yourself in a more unique and creative manner. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions may not be accepted immediately by others. This is a good month to promote yourself. Follow the new, but don't abandon the old. Try to temper any extremes with a little moderation. Career, finances, and relationships will benefit if you integrate the new with the old.
Personal Month 6
A successful and satisfactory 6-Personal-Month depends on the structures you built and the issues you faced during the 4-Personal-Month�family, home, love, career, finances, community. These issues return, but instead of the struggles, challenges, and confrontations of the 4-Personal-Month, you will receive the fruits of your actions during the 4-Personal Month. What was built or what was faced during the 4-Personal-Month bears fruit. The 6-Personal-Month is a time for enjoying your success, productivity, relationships, and harmony. This is a month of optimism, understanding, justice, and reciprocation. The more you give the more you will receive. Your morale is high. A 6-Personal-Month is much like the 3-Personal-Month�you will tend to find yourself surrounded by the best in friends, family, beauty, health, food, and everyday luxuries. All the resources that you need will be available to you as long as you take your responsibilities and duties seriously. New opportunities may sprout from what you have already accomplished. Vocational and financial matters tend to go well, as do interpersonal relationships. This is a good month for domestic conditions, marriage, and weddings.
Personal Month 7
Your 7-Personal-Month is a time for withdrawing from outer activities. It is a month for thoughtfulness, introspection, meditation, self-examination, and deliberation. During your 7-Personal-Month you step back from all that you have accomplished during the previous six months. It is a time to analyze and reflect on what you have learned about yourself and your world and to develop new insight and a new philosophy based on your recent experiences. Social activities may take a back seat to intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. Some may maintain some degree of seclusion. There may be an interest in studying, reading, or specializing in some esoteric subject. The 7-Personal-Month can be a quiet time during which you may turn your thoughts towards self-improvement, idealism, and perfectionism. Your intuition may become usually active and sharp. This is a month for spirituality and religious concerns. You may find solutions and make important decisions this month.
Personal Month 8
Your 8-Personal-Month is the month for acting on the thoughts, ideas, and philosophies that you developed last month. You are testing the validity of the personal discoveries you made during your previous 7-Personal-Month. Many people are unaware that they are trying to actualize their new ideals. They are consciously aware that this month is one of intense, dynamic activity. You may need and desire to take specific actions which will further your goals. Your actions may be unusually individualistic, and you may display great vision, deep insights, and increased personal power. This month may emphasize money, finances, and material needs as well as advancements, promotions, and leadership. The 8-Personal-Month can be one of energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. You will need to be organized and efficient. Your interests are expanded, obstacles are overcome, and limitations are transcended. Broad comprehension and good judgment can lead to expanding business opportunities, making new investments, and signing favorable contracts. Enterprises and work involving corporations are favored. Recognition and publicity are yours if you want them. This can be a good month for career and finances. It does not usually favor intimate relationships.
Personal Month 9
The 9-Personal-Month is a good time for completing projects and endeavors of all types. This is not the month to start anything new. Endings, transformation, rebirth, and recycling are key themes this month. It is a month for subjective progress and growth and for the elimination of what is no longer useful. It is a good time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love. By cultivating an attitude that fosters love, compassion, tolerance, detachment, and selflessness, you will be rewarded with increased love, wisdom, understanding, and insights. The 9-Personal-Month can be one of spiritual understanding and Self-realization. This may be a time of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. It is possible that a relationship may end during a 9-Personal-Month, or some similar loss may result in grief or sorrow. Your own energy level may not be as high as you desire.
Personal Month 11
The 11-Personal-Month can be one of great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Spiritually, this month emphasizes idealism, religion, mysticism, renunciation, and illumination. Your intuition and psychic perception may be heightened during this month. On a material level, this month favors invention and technical genius. You may be benefited by science, electricity, radiation, magnetism, aviation, space travel, computers, telephones and cell phones during an 11-Personal-Month. An 11-Personal-Month can also manifest as a 2-Personal-Month, emphasizing an awareness of others, an interest in relationships of all kinds, and a time to take into account the needs, desires, and motivations of others. Partnerships, lovers and friends, competitors and enemies take on added significance. You will become more aware of how others may be helpful or hurtful. Your greatest progress will come from being a part of a couple or a team. Tact, diplomacy, and cooperation will further you r interests. On a more spiritual level, you can be capable of developing psychic abilities or spiritual healing. You could take up mediation and metaphysical studies. You may gain insights into spiritual evolution. Career and finances may move slowly. You may even experience some lows in regards to vitality and energy. While this month does not favor personal concerns, it can favor romance and your ability to give and take on a more intimate level. Much is nebulous and intangible this month. It is important to stay as grounded as much as you can in order to gain the benefits of this you. For some, this month can lead to increased fame if other facts are in place.
Personal Month 22
The 22-Personal-Month can be one during which you can achieve your highest goals and actualize your highest ideals. This month is potentially a month of self-actualization, self-mastery, and personal transformation. You may be able to demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism, inspiration and practicality. You may turn abstract conceptions into practical creations. Projects undertaken during this month can bring about wide-scale improvements, possibly having regional, national, or even international consequences. The secret for making the most of this month is to keep in mind that your actions are to be performed for the good of specific groups, communities, or societies. It is possible that some of your actions are for the benefit of all humanity. Taking time to meditate or to develop your intuition is necessary in order to manifest the best of a 22-Personal-Month. If you do not hold yourself to the highest standards, your 22-Personal-Month will function as a 4-Personal-Month. If this is so, you can expect challenges, restrictions, and obstacles to overcome. Concentration, discipline, organization, patience, perseverance, hard work, and attention to details will be important.
Calculating Your Personal Day
To find your Personal Day number, add the current or Universal Day to your Personal Month number and reduce the result to a single digit or master number. We will use the examples above. If you were born April 20, 1986 and the Universal Date: January 3, 2008. Your Personal Month is 8 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 1 + 7 = 8). The Universal Day is the 3rd. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 3 + 8 = 11.
Birthdate: April 20, 1986
Universal Date: January 3, 2008
Universal Day: 3
Personal Month: 8
Personal Day: 3 + 8 = 11
Your Personal Day number is 11 (written 11-Personal-Day).
Let's do another (again).
Birthdate: May 13, 1996
Universal Date: October 10, 2011
Personal Year: 05 + 13 + 2011 = 22
Personal Month: 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5
Universal Day: 10
Personal Day: 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6
If you were born May 13, 1996 and the Universal Date: July 10, 2011. Your Personal Month is 5 (Universal Month + Personal Year = 10 + 22 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5). The Universal Day is the 10th. Add the number of the Universal Day to the number of your Personal Month. 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. Your Personal Day number is 6 (written 6-Personal-Day).
Meanings of the Personal Day
Personal Day 1
A day to promote your interests and accentuate your individuality. You may have an increased sense of well-being. A day to be assertive, original, and spontaneous. Take a chance, welcome new opportunities, start something new.
Personal Day 2
A day that emphasizes significant relationships and increases your awareness of the needs and desires of others. You gain the most by being part of a couple or a team. This can be a favorable time for romance. Competition or confrontations are possible. Express yourself with tact and diplomacy. Balance assertion and individuality with patience and cooperation.
Personal Day�3
A pleasant day and a good time for self-expression, creativity, and communication. This day is favorable time for socializing, entertaining, and enjoying the company of others. Today could bring joy, fulfillment, and happiness. Good for romance, taking chances, and financial gain.
Personal Day�4
Today emphasizes the practical and constructive sides of life. It is a day for building a solid foundation. A day that requires work, drive, organization, and scheduling. The use of energy or force to overcome an obstacle.
Personal Day�5
A change of pace and attitude. Transform any excessive, restless energy into creative insights, new ideas, mind expansion, travel, sports, or games. A time for changes, for the expression of personal freedom, for spontaneity, new opportunities, and going with the flow. Feelings of enthusiasm for life and a temporary, but well-deserved escape from responsibilities.
Personal Day�6
A day to return to your responsibilities. This day can be a very productive one. Success comes from a combination of skillful effort and available resources. Family, home, community, health, service, food, and everyday luxuries are emphasized.
Personal Day�7
Take time for yourself away from social engagements and most everyday activities. A day to withdraw, read a book, or meditate. This day stresses quietude, introspection, self-improvement, religious concerns, ideals, and spirituality.
Personal Day�8
Today is a day for energetic activities, expressions of power, material accomplishments, and purposeful actions. Goals are reached; obstacles overcome. This day emphasizes finances, money, investments, business, enterprise, and corporations. Good judgment can lead to signing favorable contracts, making wise investments, and expanding business opportunities.
Personal Day�9
A good day to complete projects and similar endeavors. A day of endings, saying goodbye, and letting go. Possibly the ending of a relationship. Loss or sorrow. A time for performing selfless service or promoting brotherhood and universal love.
Personal Day�11
A day with great creative, religious, or spiritual potential. Today emphasizes idealism, intuition, and illumination. This day favors invention and technical genius on the material plane and psychic perception on the spiritual plane.
Personal Day�22
This is a day for actualizing your highest goals and ideals. A time for taking action in order to accomplish your plans. You can demonstrate a masterful capacity to combine materialism and idealism successfully.